What do you use for fibromyalgia, spe... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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What do you use for fibromyalgia, specifically pharmaceutical meds, especially sleep?

LT007 profile image
15 Replies
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LT007 profile image
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15 Replies

I take 75 mg of dosulepin and 0.5 mg clonezapam and I get 7 hours sleep almost every night the dosulepin works on its own for me the clonezapam is a muscle relaxant for my muscle spasms

Hope that helps

Vg x

LT007 profile image
LT007 in reply to

Thank you. I am very nervous when it comes to the benzodiazepams.....

ladymoth profile image

I take dosulepin as well - it's good stuff for helping you sleep. It's old-fashioned, but still remarkably effective. I don't get much muscle spasm, but I have a lot of arthritic pain, especially at night, so I have tramadol and paracetamol as well, which seems to do the trick! :)

Moffy x

LT007 profile image
LT007 in reply to ladymoth

Thank you.

Stripe profile image

I'm on gabapentin(300mg) 3 x a day. Ametrazole as suffering heartburn. Also amitripylene on a night time. Also just started inhaler as now on top of what I have they think I could have asthma. Anybody on different meds which they think can help make you pain free. Any comments back greatly appreciated x

Mdaisy profile image
Mdaisy in reply to Stripe

Hello Stripe,

I would consider making an appointment with your GP to discuss your chronic pain. Have you ever been referred to a Pain Clinic? maybe it may be worth asking to be referred

Here is some information on Pain Clinics


I personally couldn't get on with Gabapentin or Amitriptyline and the GP prescribed Pregabalin which suits me better. I also take Duloxetine (SNRI),Pramiprexole & Tramadol.

if you would like to visit the website there is a wealth of information about medications used for Fibro, please see link


The factsheets are downloadable & you can print them for future reference too.

I do hope you find some relief soon

Wishing you well



After trying and failing with amitriptyline I now take melatonin on prescription. It's not a drug but a hormone and it seems to suit me anyway.

Mdaisy profile image

Hello LT007,

Here is a link to the FibroAction website where you can find information about Sleep medications and the Factsheets can be downloaded & printed for reference


I hope this helps

Emma :)

LT007 profile image
LT007 in reply to Mdaisy

Thank you. xXx LT

LT007 profile image

I am currently on 50mg trep at night and venlafaxine in the morning. I find aerobic walking and stretches as well as a strict diet, helps me tremendously. A key factor is getting rid of candida and curing leaky gut, if you have it.


julie69 profile image

I keep hearing about leaky gut. Really what is it. And I suffer badly with Candida. How do you get rid

LT007 profile image
LT007 in reply to julie69

Hi Julie,

Candida is a parasite and lives in your gIT. Too many antibiotics kill off the natural bacteria and candida overgrows and can become systemic. Do a google search for Candida and they give you a diet as well as remedies to eradicate it. The candida causes the gastro intestinal tract to become leaky and then food proteins leak into the blood stream and cause allergy responses and autoimmune reactions. It is crucial to go on diet to get rid of candida but it helps enormously......

go to: thecandidadiet.com/

julie69 profile image

Thankyou ltoo7 ,

CryBaby profile image

Hi there. I was first on Citalapram which did absolutely nothing for me. Then I was on Amtriptyline, which worked well to start, but after 8 weeks wasn't effective at all. Now I'm on Lyrica AKA Pregabalin. I started on 25mgs and have increased to the max dose of 600mgs last week. It's not perfect, but I can live! I just hope it lasts! Good luck in your search!

I can't take medications because of side effects and leaky gut.... So I control my symptoms through diet and pacing. It works well for me. There's 9 food commandments for pain and Fibro.

Leaky gut is where your gut has been affected by food sensitivities. Instead of allowing all toxins through to be excreted, some of the toxins escape through the gut wall.....on a molecular level. These toxic molecules get into the blood stream and cause havoc in all body systems. They effect organs including the brain, as they cross the brain barrier.....plus hormonal organs such as the adrenals and the thyroid. They get into the lymph gland too so can affect your immune system.

I've worked hard to find my toxic triggers and minimise the issues. Since sorting my diet properly (since 2011) I no longer get IBS attacks, which were bad enough to end up in hospital with suspected appendicitis and ovarian cysts.

80% of serotonin is stored in the gut. The other effect of leaky gut toxins is to block chemicals like seratonin getting to where they are meant to be. Research is only just finding out how much the gut does to stored important brain function chemicals.....By clearing some of these blocks I don't NEED medications.....most medications cause sensitivities with me and are therefore toxic triggers.

There's a lot if info on google....we're not allowed to advertise sites through links here.....or rather I can never work out which are safe links and which aren't lol

It's worth looking up the Lectin Story

And the 9 commandments for pain and fibromyalgia

Everyone's triggers are different so it's good to keep a food diary and listening to your gut.

Mine are most if them lol

Mushrooms (yeasts and moulds.....that includes quorn) ....Dairy (I have lacto free milk in decaf tea.....and use soya products)....wheat (but I'm not Cadillac.... I replace wheat with rice) ..... Nightshades ( I replace potato with sweet potato which is safe, replace tomato with puréed carrot and parsnip) caffiene(a real nono because it directly affects my sleep and speeds up my gut stopping me from absorbing nutrients from foods) artificial sweeteners (directly affect my gut and cause bloating plus causes migraines) alcohol ( gives me major headaches. I get a hangover from half a lager....and my energy drops off for days)

Sugar makes all reactions worse and feeds any candida that's floating around.

I try and keep foods alkaline....there's lots of info about acid and alkaline foods.

And drink lots of plain water.....or squeeze fresh lemons into it, which although acidic leaves a good alkaline ash which is beneficial.

I only have meat once a week and have fish instead because omega 3 is good for trying t heal the gut.

I know some here don't accept diet as a viable option to medications but it really is working for me....

Not cured.....there is no cure.

I sleep 8-9 hours but not necessarily at the right time.....I don't do mornings because of it....I haven't sorted my symptoms out completely.....still work in progress ....and can still crash if I'm not careful..

But with good pacing I manage to drive and look after an 18 month old grandson 3 days a week. I can do some housework without being wiped out afterwards.

I couldn't have done that before 2011

I take co enzyme q10 to support mitochondrial dysfunction in the morning with a cod liver oil,. And magnesium with a multi vitamin and mineral at night for aches and cramps.

I have monthly acupuncture for pain.

Good luck finding your own toxic triggers xxx

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