My own personal list of dislikes would include (in no particular order) ---- going to dentist (although my dentist is lovely!) --- selfish/rude/inconsiderate people/drivers --- ironing -- shopping ---- arguments --- extremes of temperature --- long journeys ----- dust (it gets everywhere!) How about you?
Apart from fibromyalgia (of course!!)... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Apart from fibromyalgia (of course!!) what do you dislike the most?

My dislikes are cleaning the bathroom, shopping for clothes, going to the Doctors!! and my hubby who watches every crime programme over and over again Lol
I hate going to the hairdresser - i always look worse coming out than when I went in - and so expensive, too. Why do they always ask how you would like your hair, then totally ignore what you said? I have a curly mop, and they spend hours trying to make it sleek - it ain't gonna happen!
I also hate not being able to wear 'killer heels'. I love beautiful shoes, and still buy them, tho' I could never walk in them. I just sit on the edge of the bed and try them on - what joy!
I was once forced to go to a function in a wheelchair, and the upside of it was that I could sit there in my glamorous shoes, and not have to stand or walk in them all evening - plus everyone was very sweet to me.
Ah well, 'tis better to be mobile, so I'm very grateful - even if I have to wear flat shoes all the time!
Moffy x
Being trapped insixde, especially when that big, yellow thing in the sky comes out to play!
Going to the supermarket and having to listen to children screaming as their parents look on in delight !!!! ...Love children really but could'nt eat a whole one..
I hate animal cruelty!x
I hate going to the dentist, quite terrified to be exact!!
Children screaming, there seems to be a cult of it going on where I live.
What I can't understand they scream for no apparent reason.
In my day (yawning might ensue now!!) you only screamed when you were in danger.
Rude shop assistants.
Uncleanliness. I am just a tad OCD.
Bibi x
I hate injustice, being lied to, mental cruelty, snakes, big spiders, those big buzzy moths (uuuuggghhh), and summer...yes I know that's weird, but I hate being hot and sweaty, it makes me bad tempered, grrrrrrrrrrr !!!!
Easy! I worked as an aid worker on UN refugee programmes - I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate war, and my latest biggest hate of all is the horrible drones that are assassinating people without a trial and killing thousands of civilians, including women and children. Oh how I long for peace - but you can't get peace by killing others, only by sitting around a table with people you hate and making painful compromises.
I hate sun, arguments, when Italians starts to talk, ( most of them don't talk shout including my husband), when hubby open the TV ( hard to hear Italian TV) ad in TV, being lonely, Ironing, (can't stand up much time).