Has anyone had their eggs over fertilise with more than one sperm entering the egg? We recently had this happen with 3 of ours and the embryologist said it could be an egg or a sperm issue - basically he wasn’t really sure. Has anyone any insight into this, and if so would ICSI be best for us or something else?
Two sperm fertilising one egg - what ... - Fertility Network UK
Two sperm fertilising one egg - what to do next?

yes… this happened to me & my husband. I had 17 eggs collected and 5 of them fertilised with 2 sperm, what the clinic said was that they could never know that this would happen (it was our 1st round) and that if we had to have egg collection again they would recommend ICSI. She said it was a high % of abnormal fertilisation for the % of mature eggs (16 mature eggs / 5 abnormal = 32%) We did however have 4 fertilise normally with 2 making it to blastocyst from that round - the little egg we transferred is now nearly 7 months old ❤️ sending lots of love & luck for your journey x
Also what I was told is that when the sperm enters the egg the egg has a receptor that basically stops anymore from entering - the embryologist said that when this happens it’s because the eggs receptor hasn’t reacted quick enough x
Thank you for your response and congratulations on your baby. This is really helpful and sounds really similar to our situation in terms of the high % abnormal fertilisation. I only got 8 eggs and 3 out of those had two sperm enter, however we unfortunately didn’t get any good enough to freeze. I had a feeling that ICSI might be the next best option based on this… just not sure if I can go through it all again so soon - still recovering from OHSS and scared to get it again!
Yes my husband and I had this too. We had a high number of abnormally fertilised eggs (letting in more than one sperm) but out of 17 eggs we did get three normally fertilised blastocysts. One is now a 3 year old sat in front of me and another I am currently 29 weeks pregnant with, so it's not the end of the world if still got some normally fertilised ones.The embryologist told me it was likely a egg quality issue rather than a sperm one and recommended that we do ICSI if we were to do another round.