had faint lines at 5 and 6dpt but stark negative 7dpt on FRER so we are out this time (must have still been the trigger 13 days later!?)
We had none to freeze. I don’t feel ready to give up on a sibling but after 3 egg collections since having my son with only 1 or 2 to transfer each time I think I am ready to give up on my 41 year old eggs and move to my wife’s (she’s 5 years younger and has finally been convinced to at least do the egg collection part won’t hear of being the pregnant one though 😂)
We have only one sperm left from our donor and time is ticking but my wife still smokes and would need all the tests etc. do we delay and try her eggs or give it a final go with mine? Our clinic has no more suggestions on what to try differently if we did try with me again.
I tried looking to change clinics to Spain but they won’t take our donor as we have childhood photo and medical history so is classed as ‘known’ to them (even though it’s from European sperm bank) as we have heard quite a bit of success from people who have travelled there. It’s really important to us that a sibling would have the same donor so they are ‘in it together’ when they are older as well as the genetics.
Thanks for listening to my spiralling ramble! Appreciate any advice as we will sit and talk it through later this week when the dust has settled on the BFN xx 💜