Hello all,
I’d really appreciate your advice on what to do next. I’m feeling lost and so worried that I will waste even more time.
My story so far;
We’ve been TTC for 3.5 years. Never had a natural pregnancy and I’m about to turn 33
Our sperm has low metrics for volume/ shape etc but the dna and chromosomes have been checked and are normal. So we went straight to Icsi
We’ve used up ourNHS funding and can still use the clinic going forward privately but we can’t access additional testing or we could move clinics to somewhere who can provide additional tests on me / our embryos.
We’ve had 1 egg collection, where I had OHS (44 folicals, 14 mature eggs and 5 embryos remaining on day 5/6) I was on the lowest dose of stimulation drugs on the long protocol and I had to take drugs to prevent ohs before egg collection and coast on stimulation drugs for 3 days. ( this is where I think our problem may be, as the embryoscope suggested high dna damage for the embryos which didn’t make it, which they thought may have come from the eggs)
I’ve not got any known conditions at the moment and my hystoscopy was all clear. My AMH 1.5 years ago was 28
We’ve now had 3 transfers of 4 embryos. (Chemical, BFN, miscarriage)
What would you do in my situation?
Love to you all x