HiIve just had my latest scan and my lining is still only at 6. I'm already taking estrogen orally and have juat started on the patches. I've read that vaginal estrogen may be better absorbed. I've asked my clinic and they have said that the oral tablets can also be inserted vaginally but I thought I read that vaginal estrogen was more like a suppository? Is anyone else taking vaginal estrogen and could advise? Thanks
Thin lining for Fet - vaginal estrogen - Fertility Network UK
Thin lining for Fet - vaginal estrogen

Hi. For my last transfer I was taking progynova orally 3 times a day. My lining wasn't ready so the clinic told me to take a fourth dose but vaginally. I was a bit baffled as they were tiny oral tablets! I put it in at night just before I went to sleep. Another 5 days and my lining had improved enough for the transfer to go ahead. Good luck with your embryo transfer.
Hey - you can take the same oral tablets vaginally. Best of luck!
Hi, I take oestrogen tablets and my clinic recommend i take one of these vaginally to help absorption. So it's not uncommon to use the same tablet for both!. Good luck x
I have struggled with a thin lining for all my cycles despite being on high levels of oestrogen (pills and patches) and my consultant has now added a blood thinner to my medication (Clexane, injected in the stomach once a day from day 1). It seems to have made the difference for me as I am now getting to around 7.5mm whereas before I struggled to get to 6mm. It does need to be prescribed so would need to be discussed with your consultant.
One of my nurses also suggested practical things which you may well already be doing like making sure I am drinking a lot of warm water everyday to help with blood flow to the uterus and keeping feet warm at night to help with blood flow.