Hi everyone,I've been preparing for my 4th FET transfer and was looking for support and maybe success stories of someone in a similar situation. I wasn't told the correct medication protocol until I sent 4 messages to my clinic to clarify via portal and for several days took my estrogen tablets orally per written instructions - when I should have been taking two orally and one vaginally to thicken my lining. I was told today a week before my scheduled transfer that my lining was "beautiful trilaminar" but thickness was 6.1.mm to 7.1 mm at most. The doctor called later to tell me it was my choice whether to proceed with the frozen embryo transfer next week with extra 12 hours of progesterone (following recommendations of ERA) or to cancel this cycle. I asked for her recommendations as a doctor and she said she consulted with the other docs in my clinic and they think I should proceed. I have had 7.6 mm to 8 mm lining for my previous transfers and I've read about significantly decreased rates of implantation with thin lining. At my ERA cycle I had a 7 mm lining so she doesn't think this is much of a difference with 6.1 to 7 mm lining. Normally they would add additional days of estrogen to thicken the lining but said they don't want to do that because they want to replicate exactly the ERA cycle. Right now I have a day 5 3AA embryo not pgt tested which my doctor wants to transfer but I'm so afraid I'm wasting an embryo by transferring with less than ideal lining. I also have a day 6 3BA embryo that I'm tempted to use instead that my doctor said has a 50% chance of working. Any thoughts? And did anyone have success with a thin lining? Thanks for taking the time to read this long post.
Thin lining 6.1 mm before transfer -a... - Fertility Network UK
Thin lining 6.1 mm before transfer -any success stories?

Hi Meliana
What a difficult decision… I’m sorry to hear it’s been tough getting the correct information from your clinic on the meds.
I’ve found communication hard sometimes too. It’s all so personal.
I’m not in your position and have never been in your position because I’m at the start of my first IVF cycle, so please take that into account, but here is my feeling: you have been through a lot to get to where you are and if it were me I’d listen to my strongest gut feeling.
If that is that you want to do it perfectly to not have doubts in case the implantation fails, then go with that. That’s the biggest worry isn’t it?
If you feel that you can trust the doctor’s advice to go ahead and this is your chance then go with that.
Either way, don’t doubt you did all you could afterwards, because you have.
I hope this works for you x
Hello I’m so sorry to hear you’re having this additional stress, if you’ve still got a week it’s possible for your lining to increase. I would try acupuncture, daily walks and food that helps increase your blood flow. Also acupuncturists advised us to keep yourself wrapped up and warm, even when it’s sunny out he said going into an air conditioning shop can make your body ridged from the cold. Not sure 🤔 on that theory but lining did increase. X
Hello, sorry to hear you are having a stressful time.
I just wanted to let you know I had a successful transfer (and now two year old) with a lining of 4.6mm trimlaminar.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
🤞🏻💕 xxx
Hi! I am sorry to hear about the lining. Have you tried pomegranate juice? I had a cup a day with my second FET and that gave me lining 3 mm thicker than the one for my first FET. I also did fertility reflexology that round. Very best of luck!
I have had 2 failed transfers where my lining was 10 and 11mm and trilaminar pattern a week before transfer then for the successful transfer I had difficulty getting my lining thick it was around 7 mm without trilaminar I actually lost all hopes but since I took somany medication I dint wanted to waste that cycle and went for it my luck played and my daughter is now 5 months old. so decided whatever that makes you feel confident also electric body massager will improve lining if you use it around your abdomen area.
Hi Meliana, mine was 6mm on this last transfer, a week before transfer, and they increased Progynova to 3 orally (morning, afternoon and night) and 1 vaginally in the evenings, every day, in the week before transfer and my lining increased to c. 9mm by the time of transfer. Then told me to carry on with this protocol to 12 weeks if all goes well. Fingers crossed for you xx