Morning all, on the embryologist’s recommendation I transferred a 5-day Morula embryo on Thursday 23 Nov. Has anyone had experience of this working ? Also I did not realise my vaginal progesterone pessaries were 400mg in strength rather than 200mg - I was prescribed to insert 200mg in the morning and 400mg in evening but doubled this quantity accidentally as they were 400mg each not 200mg - so it was 400mg in morning and 800mg in evening for about 7 days - I read it’s possible for progesterone to be too high (which prevents implantation) - have I blown it? I’ve not tested for progesterone and had good thickness in womb lining. Appreciate your thoughts please. Thank you
Morula transfer and progesterone pess... - Fertility Network UK
Morula transfer and progesterone pessaries

I transferred a 5 day embie on the 23rd too! I’m on 400g twice a day and had my progesterone levels checked on the day of transfer and the clinic said they were great at 67. It’s easy to question everything we do but I’m sure the extra progesterone will be completely fine xx
I only had 2 morulas on day 5 from my last round, because of this they agreed to do double transfer. I honestly didn't hold out much hope for the transfer at all. Much to my surprise both stuck, and I'll be 22 weeks tomorrow with twin boys. It can work so dont give up hope. I'm sure the extra progesterone won't do any harm, some people are on higher doses anyway. Good luck 🍀
my clinic said there’s not really an upper limit for progesterone - they said if it’s over 400 they try and lower it. I was taking 1200mg a day of progesterone and my level was 190 (which is high) so I wouldn’t worry whatsoever ☺️🤞🏼

Thanks Elsidee11 for reassurances, all the best X
sadly i know that morula stage is not good for tranfer! Actually I believe they suggest that because is often to stop in morula stage and never become a blastocyst ! So in my opinion they should wait until day 6 to be sure if is a late blasto or just stopped on day 4!
Sadly the most clinics cares only to get paid everything until the end !
Sorry or that ! Always stay strong!
hi ClaudiaS, , sadly, I totally agree with you - once the invoice is paid, care seems more perfunctory and mechanical- the care coordinators probably see scores of ladies so I guess it’s hard not to become robotic but I guess it happens. I was rather more surprised by my Doctor’s Approach - he was pushing hard for 3 day transfer and Donor egg - I had to push back, repeatedly on those options. I had to trust the Dr and Embryologist made the best medical / ethical recommendation for me but I am skeptical- the report they gave me did not provide embryo quality details - as even at morula stage they should have been able to tell me if there was fragmentation/ whether the cells were evenly sized / whether cell division proceeding normally etc. but no info which is sadly unprofessional I feel. I can only pray they performed the transfer procedure thinking there was a chance (even if small) rather than performing the Transfer procedure knowing it would have never worked to earn the fee for the transfer procedure. But I can see I’m ranting/being cynical! From what I can tell, IVF is big business and often operated like a business - apparently, a while back there was a UK charity for IVF but it appeared, it was ‘brought out’ by one of the existing UK IVF organisations which tells all about the industry…lots of hugs, X
I would speak to your clinic about the progesterone so they can test the levels and probably put your mind at ease as the extra dosage is probably fine. Also don't just reduce the dosage as I remember my clinic saying you should not reduce the dosage. This is just what I remember and I am no doctor so I would really speak to your clinic as I may be wrong.
Re. Morula, I have seen posts where they have been successful. I think there is as good a chance as any embryo. There are so many unknowns. We had a morula on day 5 last month. They left it one more day and on day 6 it was a blastocyst which is currently frozen and we will transfer next year 🤞🏻
I was on 800mg progesterone twice a day for 8 weeks so you should be fine.
My progesterone was incredibly high before transfer & I was so worries but I'm currently 35 weeks & all fine. Clinic kept my dose as it was despite it being high. Its low progesterone that is more of an issue as I understand it. Best of luck 👍
that’s good to hear RACMumm, best of good wishes for you, and lots of hugs and happy baby dust to all us ladies, best wishes X