Hi, I am sorry to ask you guys this as I know it only occurs for a traumatic reason. But hope I can potentially have some advice from anyone who has experienced this.
Background: I had a D&C 18th September, I should have been 9 weeks, but no pregnancy was showing in my womb, laparoscopy showed no ectopic either. My lining was over 22mm thick.
A few days after the D&C, I then experienced a miscarriage at home lasting a week and I passed an embryo and placenta. (this confused me as nothing visible in my womb that your would expect to see at 9 weeks, even with a MMC, but guess my lining has grown over it all).
I'm still bleeding heavily, but should clear up soon. HCG is now negative and a TVS a few days ago shows no products retained, but shows. Adisrupted lining at 7.9mm with clots and fluid (blood) in uterus.
But what's really stumped me is tonight my beasts started aching and I've started lactating. This is nearly a month after the D&C and 2 weeks after the miscarriage completed. I thought I was too early on in my pregnancy to lactate and thought it would've happened almost immediately if it was going to?
Has anyone else experienced this? How long did it go on for? I'm guessing I only need to see a GP if it continues too long or I get any infection etc.?
Thanks in advance and sorry for any upset x