Me again. Sorry for posting so much lately but I find this forum SO helpful. I had surgery to remove my twin miscarriage 3 weeks ago and it went really smoothly, no pain and I bled lightly for two weeks and then all has been good. On Saturday I began to have abdominal pain that I couldn't really accurately say where is was coming from because it kept moving about and it was at times for sure in my womb but then would move outward and also higher up. It's also been a combination of general pain (can't describe it) and also crampy period like pain. It's worse if I'm moving about and when I went to the supermarket earlier it was making me feel mildly nauseous. This evening it's very much in my womb but has also been in my hip, my lower back on the right side and kind of mildly radiating down my right leg. I wondered if anyone else had anything like this occur and it be related to a d and c? I'm wondering if my period is coming and it's just going to be different to usual or whether it's something else. Wondering if I should just wait it out or contact the clinic?
Womb cramping 3 weeks after surgery- ... - Fertility Network UK
Womb cramping 3 weeks after surgery- is this normal?

I am so sorry for your loss. Have you had a negative test yet? I only ask because I had failed miscarriage surgery and I ended up with similar pains. I personally would contact your clinic or EPU. Sending sympathy xx
I haven’t tested. Should I test?
I think they say you should get a negative test within three weeks (but not sure how many weeks you were and also if it’s different for a twin pregnancy). I kept testing positive and it ended up being retained tissue.
Don’t panic though - it also could just be your body getting back to ‘normal’ and preparing for your period like you say xx
I’m so sorry I’ve probably got you in a right panic and probably unnecessarily. If I were you I would go to EPU tomorrow and explain you had surgery 3 weeks ago but having a lot of cramping and also still getting positive tests and ask them to run an HCG and scan you. I am sure all is fine but at least that way you will know xx
I’m not panicking at all honestly. I emailed them already and I googled and it can apparently take weeks and weeks for hcg to drop to baseline. It was twins so it probably takes a bit longer and my positive tests were super strong before. Even if there is retained tissue I’ll get over it, it’s just more a case of wanting to be on top of things than me feeling really worried ☺️.
Ah ok, I totally understand. I just wanted it all to be over so I could plan for next steps. You are right. I had my second surgery on Valentine’s Day (irony) and didn’t get a negative test until 26th March so it can take ages. PM me if you have any questions. It feels like the worst ever time now and I had a number of losses but it did work for me in the end, so it can happen xx