I'm 9 weeks pregnant after IVF & a couple of missed miscarriages. I had a scan at 8 weeks & all looked perfect. I've had a sleep this afternoon & have woken up with mild camping. I do sleep in a tight fetal position which maybe doesn't help? I had cramps earlier on in pregnancy but none for the past couple of weeks. I've got no spotting, bleeding just quite a bit of milky discharge which has been the case for weeks. Am I right to be worried or just panicking for no good reason?
Cramps at 9 weeks: I'm 9 weeks pregnant... - Fertility Network UK
Cramps at 9 weeks
Hopefully it's nothing to worry about Hun. I'm also 9 weeks & had 2 missed miscarriages so understand how worrying everything is. Maybe is just stretching? I was in a bit of a state earlier this week over some pains. It's stressful 😘 x
Yes it is so stressful. Hope everything works out for you x
Diane told me to expect some cramping and stretching pains around this time as the womb moves up and grows. My sis had period style cramps throughout the first trimester on and off. Unless it’s accompanied by bleeding I wouldn’t worry but obviously report it if you’re really worried for peace of mind. I’ve had 2 missed miscarriage and no cramping or anything xxx

I agree with Natalia - I've had round ligament pain since about 10 weeks, it often feel quite crampy. As long as there is no bleeding, I think its OK. That's what a midwife will tell you, but you could phone them anyway for reassurance. If its still happening tomorrow they might offer you a scan. Not sure if yours is different, but I wouldn't bother with your gp - they usually haven't a clue! I find my midwife unit much better for knowledge and help. Milky white discharge is normal as long as it doesn't smell bad which could indicate an infection. It is all very worrying I know, but try to be calm. Any sign of bleeding call the midwife or epu straight away xx
Thanks Lilli. My GP is also pretty useless. Thank you for the reassurance. I might see if the EPU will scan me as its worrying me even though I know its normal for so many people. xx

I had my first midwife appt at 10 weeks and I went in crying with the stress of it all! They scanned me a couple of days later so worth trying to get an early reassurance scan if they can. Hope you get it sorted. I had a big bleed at 13 weeks and convinced it was all over but was fine in the end. Try not to get overly stressed, just keep in touch with the midwives. I find mine are excellent xxx
Yes I didn't have cramping with my missed miscarriages. I just feel so bad as wanted to be pregnant for so long & so far I'm hating it most of the time. Feel guilty for that x

Don’t feel guilty, it’s not much fun! I keep reminding myself it’s not being pregnant that I want, it’s a baby, and I’m not there yet so it’s fair enough if I find things hard. I don’t have to feel permanently grateful for feeling anxious and sick and tired. And, (say it quietly) I’m still really quite resentful of how easy this whole journey is for the men!
I have heard that sometimes dehydration cause cramps ... please try to drink water and also consult your Doc