Ah I’m feeling so sad and frustrated. I very sadly lost my baby three weeks ago and had a D&C 2.5 weeks ago. They have asked me to take a pregnancy test at 3 weeks post loss which according to the baby’s growth was yesterday. My tests are still blazing positive and it is so upsetting and triggering. Has anyone else been through this and have any indication of when they will go back to negative. I still haven’t had any bleeding or anything. This is crippling me.
Still positive after D&C: Ah I’m... - Fertility Network UK
Still positive after D&C

I'm so sorry for your loss and I hope you can feel better soon. I became negative 3 weeks after my D&C but my loss occurred much earlier so maybe in your case it will just take a little longer. I know exactly how painful that is to see tho. You may call the clinic and ask them to suggest at what other time you could test and expect a negative just so that you don't keep on testing and getting upset. I wish you all the best xx
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I had a similar experience with my first miscarriage - I had surgery but tested positive two weeks later. I had a follow up scan which showed the first surgery was incomplete and I had to have the surgery repeated. Unfortunately this happens 5% of the time with surgical management (this also happened to a friend of mine). I would ask your EPU or clinic for a scan to hopefully give you some clarity x
I am afraid like Ctk123 I had a similar experience and ended up needing a second op due to retained products. EPU weren’t great to be honest - they did external scans and couldn’t see anything. It was only after two weeks of arguing with them they did an HCG and internal scan and confirmed the surgery hadn’t worked. Make sure you get HCG bloods done. So sorry you are going through this xx
I'm so so sorry and echoing what others have said about contacting EPU. I had a similar experience after medical management and ended up having further treatment for retained tissue. I'm only commenting because I get so so alone when it happened to me and I didn't know anyone else who had this happen at all.
Massive hugs x
I’m sorry you’re going through this. I hope this physical ordeal can soon be over so you can focus on the emotional healing ❤️🩹
I think mine took about six weeks to go properly negative but I think they started to fade after four weeks. Hope it doesn’t drag out too long for you, I remember how awful it is doing those tests x
Sharing in case it is helpful, but sort of opposite to the above stories, I've had multiple (11) losses, 2 of which were surgically managed. My losses were all around 4-7 weeks, for context.
With all of them I have had bleeding after, usually passing clots, usually smaller ones. This was the case even after surgical management.
With all of these, my tests showed clear fading after the miscarriage or surgery, usually resolving by 2-4weeks (as in, being negative by then). They have never been starkly positive after a miscarriage, there has always been noticeable fading.
So, I'd echo the above and encourage you to get checked out. I'd also say 'trust your gut', if something feels off to you, it probably is. Your EPU will be able to help if clinic can/will not.
Really sorry you're going through this, nor an experience I'd wish on anyone.xx
hey, sorry you’re going through this and struggling at the moment. I lost twins at 7 weeks and had a d and c. I was still testing positive 3 weeks later but it was very very faint. I’d get this checked out just incase you’re retaining some tissue. Xx