Just had our first consult via video call. We have been told that my AMH is low and we will need IVF with ICSI and possibly donor eggs as I will need high doses of meds and may not respond well.
I’m 40 in April, my AMH is 3.4 and on my antral follicle count I had 14 on my right ovary and 1 on my left ( the left has always been a bit shit). I do have insulin resistance but they can’t really decide if I actually have PCOS or not as now I’m on metformin I’m actually ovulating naturally. Corpus Luteum was confirmed on the left ovary at the same scan.
I can’t understand having a low AMH but a good number of follicles nor can I understand the poor responder thing as some research I have seen says 3.4 is a good number for response and stimulating anything over 3.5 increases the risk of OHSS.
We have been ‘trying’ for 7 years and I feel have wasted time because no matter what I try getting my BMI below 30 has been impossible. I finally managed to lose 4st using semaglutide and got it below 35 but have come off it to start treatment and have put on 7lb in 2 weeks. They at least haven’t said its all just cause I’m too fat and will treat me if I can get below 35 again which is a positive I suppose.
Does anyone have any insight into the AMH thing?
Sorry for the word vomit.