Upset about AMH results : Had the... - Fertility Network UK

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Upset about AMH results

Em2405 profile image
21 Replies

Had the results back from my AMH results on Thursday. We were hoping to egg share but my AMH were too low, 7.6. They needed at least 16 so we are totally out for egg sharing. Absolutely gutted. I’m only 28 and very scared that I may not respond well to the IVF drugs and feel I may have to let go of the want for more than 1 child. We are thinking of how we can finance a private cycle and then wait for the NHS. Anyone had an experience similar or have any advice I could really do with some support.



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Em2405 profile image
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21 Replies
NDE1987 profile image

Hi hunny so sorry to hear that. Please don't feel like your alone. I had my first cycle back in 2016 and my AMH was 8.4 and I was 29 years old. I only produced 3 eggs but last year I had another cycle of ivf and my clinic have changed my medication and I got 13 eggs! So it all depends on how you respond with medication. Amh is to allow your clinics to see which dose of medication you should be on. My first cycle was on the NHS but second cycle we had go pay for, in total we paid around £6-7k which is alot of money. Were hoping to go for round 3 in a few months time as we had some frozen embryos. All the best xx

Em2405 profile image
Em2405 in reply to NDE1987

Thanks so much for replying. Felt so upset and I hadn’t prepared myself for the disappointment. I naively thought it would be fine because they said I was young at 28! Silly. What did they change for your second cycle? That’s amazing to get 13 eggs. Did you take any supplements or do anything different? How long did you wait for your NHS appointment to come through? Only been on the waiting list for 2 months so expecting it will be a long wait, that’s why me and OH are thinking of funding a private round 1st but want to try and do everything we can to help make it successful.

Thank you x

NDE1987 profile image
NDE1987 in reply to Em2405

That's ok! I was very naive to, I wasn't expecting it to be low. But hey we still have eggs! For my first cycle I was on Bemfola and then second cycle I was on mepour. I had to wait around 12 weeks for my funding to be approved, and once it was it took around 3 months for first appointment with my clinic to come through. But this changes from every clinic so you may not be waiting for long. I was able to start my cycle straight away. We stayed on at the same clinic for our self funding cycle. Gosh knows why it hasn't worked out yet but hoping it will be 3rd time lucky ! The only supplements I took were pregnacare and vitamin d. I just ate healthy aswell.( Tried to!) Had the cheeky McDonald's lol x

Manesp profile image
Manesp in reply to NDE1987

Hi. For your IVF Second time round, do you mind me asking who you went to for the private clinic? X

NDE1987 profile image
NDE1987 in reply to Manesp

Hey hun we stayed at the same clinic, Chelsea and Westminster. X

Manesp profile image
Manesp in reply to NDE1987

Hey hun. Awww ok thanks. Xx

Dunla profile image

Hi, I understand how disappointing this news is for you. When I first discovered my AMH level was less than 5 I was completely devastated and so angry that my body had let me down in this way!

There’s no way around it, IVF is expensive. We have spent a small fortune at this stage. Where we live we were allowed one go on the NHS and have funded the other four cycles ourselves. Needless to say we’ve had no holidays or home improvements in this time.

I know some people travel abroad for IVF. It does seem to be a lot cheaper. Perhaps this is something you could look into. I’m sure there are lots of ladies and their partners on this forum who will have had experience of this and could offer you some advice.

Also the clinic I’m with offer multi cycle packages with refunds if you don’t achieve a pregnancy. I don’t think I can name the company they partner with on here though. Perhaps there’s a clinic near you that offers something like this? Had this been available when we first got started we might have availed of it as we’d have saved quite a lot of money this way.

Hope this is some help to you xx

TTCs profile image

Hey Em2405! Totally understandable, i was devastated to be told i had an AMH of 7 point something (cant even remember now) over a year ago when i had just turned 31. Im 32 now so goodness knows what it is now. We were on waiting list for ICSI via the NHS for a year, we get 1 round (includes a frozen go if there are eggs to freeze). It is devastating and i totally empathise with how you're feeling though from being part of this forum there appear to be lots of women who have had success despite low AMH so that's positive. My consultant also told me that lots of people will have low AMH and never know and still achieve a natural pregnancy. So there is hope 😘 xx

Tezzabell86 profile image

I have gone through a similar experience myself. Me and my partner have been ttc for over 2 years and I’m 31 and discovered through tests that my AMH levels were low for my age of 6.1 and I wasn’t ovulating either. I was scared that the ivf drugs wouldn’t work either. But one cycle of ivf I had 7 eggs collected which 4 of them were fertilised and I’m now 11 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I highly recommend something called embryoscope which takes photos of your embryo every 10 minutes to determine the best embryo for transfer and increases your chances by 15% but it does cost £390xxx

sanchia46 profile image

Given your age you could do an nhs cycle first and see how that goes.

emmab178 profile image

If you know what clinic you are going to you could call them and ask what the nhs waiting times are. When we first got referred we had to wait a few months for a fertility appointment then a Few months for the ivf funding to come through then a few months to get to the ivf clinic stage then a month to start treatment so it does take time (but dependent on your area).

Amh measures amount of eggs and does not measure quality. You might have top quality eggs in there.

My amh was low for my age as I only had one ovary. I had 5 eggs collected but only three mature. All three made it to blast and the top quality one is 7 weeks old on Monday and we have a frostie as well. We didn’t pay for any extras just had icsi and it worked first round

Em2405 profile image

Thank you everyone for your support and advice. Has anyone had any experience of DHEA? Will definitely look into multi cycles to help us finance it. So afraid of waiting for NHS appointment and it being at least 12-18months of doing nothing. Can’t imagine not being any further forward in that time. We’ve been trying for nearly 3 years so I already feel like we’ve given so much time and patience already.

Feel a little lost and scared. Such a lot of money and no certainty. This forum gives me hope and makes me feel like I’m not so alone in this. Thank you x

Crazymrsrees79 profile image
Crazymrsrees79 in reply to Em2405

Hi Em2405, I’m taking dhea for my 2nd cycle as my amh is only 3 😢, all together I’m on the dhea 25mg three times a day, omega 3 1000mg 2 tabs daily, folic acid 5mg, vit b complex and vit d. From the start of going to the doctors and getting to where we are now it’s been at least 3 years, that’s only because they had to find out what was going on and hubby having a operation in the end but that doesn’t happen for everyone so don’t be put off. I’m also with you on the paying all the money and not getting anything at the end of it but you definitely can’t put a price on life, we won’t be able to afford paying private 😢 wish we could but what can you do 🤷‍♀️.

You are definitely not alone on this journey and these lovely people help us all along the way. Hope it all turns out well for you and you get your little miracle 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻❤️ xx

cazzarocks profile image

I completely understand how upsetting getting the news of loq AMH is. We had to go through IVF because of husband's low sperm count and I presumed it would be ok on my side until I got results mine was less than 4 and I was 36 at the time. Our first attempt we got only 4 eggs (was gutted thought game was over) but we got pregnant with identical twins.sadly we had a late miscarriage- totally unrelated to AMH results just sheer bad luck. This time we got 5 eggs but I'm 10 weeks pregnant with a singleton. AMH is completely unrelated to egg quality- it is literally just a marker clinics use to set levels of drugs it just means you may not have a lot of eggs left over to freeze or unfortunately share. Just a word of warning the first clinic we were at treated me like a bit of a leper with my AMH levels telling me I needed steroids, growth hormones, assisted hatching etc. I took them all. After our miscarriage they told me because of my low egg yield we were unlikely to get pregnant again unless we did "embryo batching"-2 rounds of ivf getting as many eggs as possible freezing them then growing them into 5-day embryos (we had a 3-day transfer last time.) this would cost us more than £20,000!!we ran for the hills.our second round we had no add ons at all (the embryologist was even shocked to hear we had assisted hatching last time as there's no evidence at all it's needed for low AMH) just straightforward menopur and progesterone and they got more eggs from me and the pregnancy feels a lot healthier. This is all just to say I know it's a shock with low AMH but so many women out there don't know they have it as are pregnant naturally it's us unlucky few who have to go down the assisted conception route who are investigated and put under a microscope and worry about things others don't need to give a second thought to. We didn't use DHEA but did use co enzyme q10 and melatonin. My advice to you is try not to think too much into the future -worrying about more than 1 child- you have plenty of time and don't know what will happen.just concentrate one thing at a time.good luck xx

Snowy76 profile image

HI, I've got an AMH of 5.07. & just completed first round. We got 4 four, got two embryos from them which were transfered but didn't implant. We didn't get any frosties. :-( We are now going to have go rpviate for another round but Consultant was hopeful and offered some tweaks for our next round. Gotta stay hopeful.

Em2405 profile image

Thank you for everyone’s responses. Helps so much. Makes this feel like less of a lonely journey. Is there anything I can do to make first round of ICSI more successful? What’s the most number of cycles anyone has done? Was reading that it’s often 3 recommended but wondered if anyone has had more than that? Thanks x

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to Em2405

A lady on here called Vonnie had success on her seventh round. She’s a total warrior!

I think many of us let go of our dreams of having more than one child for whatever reason when we find ourselves on this infertility journey. Having one feels like a distant dream for me, let alone the two I always imagined I would be able to choose to have. It’s a hard process. But even if your AMH is not what you hoped, ivf can still work and it is still better to be younger. You’re a lot younger than many of us ladies on here, and I have seen success stories from women with much lower amh than yours.

If egg sharing is out, you may be able to find a finance plan to help you. I believe some of them offer money back guarantees if you don’t have a child after a few cycles. Might be worth a look?

ClarabGlasgow profile image

That’s upsetting to hear. I have one child but struggling for a second and was devastated when I found out my amh is 3.1 at 33. The news was delivered very casually and unsympathetically by the clinic. Everything I have read though said it indicates quantity not quality . I think the multi cycle programmes are worth a look . Good luck xx

What about sperm sharing? This is an option at my clinic and probably much easier than egg sharing anyway?

Tezzabell86 profile image

Hi Em2405,

I know how you feel about the low AMH levels. I’m 31 and my AMH levels are 6.1 and I wasn’t ovulating either. It broke my heart. I had my first round of IVF last October and I got 7 eggs and 4 of them were fertilised and 1 made it to day 5 and I’m now 21 weeks and 4 days pregnant from my first round xx

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