I was meant to start progesterone tonight in preparation for a FET Tuesday but I’ve just started bleeding and passed a few large clots. I’ll call the clinic tomorrow for advice on next steps but obviously this FET will now be cancelled (I’ll still continue meds until told otherwise). I’m just keen to understand why this happened so I can prevent it happening again. Anyone else experienced this?
For a bit of background, I was lucky enough to have a successful pregnancy from a FET a few years ago, this is my first attempt trying for a sibling. I had a lot of issues with thin lining in my previous FET, ended up increasing estradiol to 10mg and introducing patches. My lining still only just got to 7mm and we transferred really late in the cycle (something like CD32). This time we started on 10mg estradiol and patches and at my first tracking scan (Tuesday) my lining was 8.4mm. Great, I thought! Now I’m wondering if my lining got too thick.
Is that a thing? Before my successful FET I had a fresh transfer that successfully implanted but I sadly lost at 8 weeks. My lining only got to 7.4mm this cycle so maybe I overdid the oestrogen and 7mm lining is just normal for me.
I’d appreciate any thoughts, thank you!