Had my scan today to check lining ahead of FET next Tuesday (hoping for3rd time lucky after two failed tries). It was at 7mm. I feel like the optimum should be 8mm or more although not sure where I've got this from. For my last round the consultant described my lining as 'okay' which didn't fill me with confidence. What can I do to get it thicker? Any success stories at 7mm? Thanks x x
Prepping for FET. lining at 7mm....an... - Fertility Network UK
Prepping for FET. lining at 7mm....any success stories?

you’re almost there! I would add vitamin E (lots of it), L-arginine supplement, raspberry leaf tea for a few days (3 cups) and that’s about it. You should be able to get there. Good luck xx
I’m due to have my transfer Tuesday as well !! Hope your lining gets thicker although that seems to be fine .. I am having intralipid tomorrow to get my killer cells done a bit ! Xx fingers crossed for us
I did yoga, and raspberry leaf tea. Yoga creates blood flow to your uterus. Good luck!! Xx
I had my scan last week and my lining was 7.5mm, my clinic says that must be 7-10mm. I have my transfer booked for Monday. If your clinic considers that is too thin then they will increase your dose of medications as they haven't done so it means there is nothing to worry.
In August I had a mock cycle for ERA test and my lining at the scan was 5.9mm, my doctor decided to increase my dose so until biopsy day my lining reached 8.9mm (after a week).
You have one more week of medications until transfer day, it will reach the optimum thickness don't stress too much.
I wish you good luck 🤞 and let's hope for BFP 😁😉❤️
Such a tough one! I’ve had 3 cancelled FETs due to lining issues as I couldn’t get it above 6.5mm even on high levels of medication. As well as what others have suggested try pomegranate juice and beetroot juice. I had a natural FET in September and my lining got to 7.4mm for the first time ever and I couldn’t believe it, just shows sometimes we need to trust our bodies and not pump them full of drugs!! Any way they transferred and I got a BFP. Did they mention the quality of your lining (triple layer?) as that is also really important. Wishing you lots of luck xx
Yes the nurse said it looked really good, which is why I've been so confused when came on here are realised its not thick enough yet. Maybe quality is good but thickness not enough yet. Interesting re your natural FET, my clinic are really reluctant to do them but I'm thinking of moving clinics in the future x
I think the issue with them is that clinics have less control and at the moment when it’s so busy they need to manage things as closely as they can. For me it was the only option as I don’t respond to medicated cycles. I think thinking has really changed on thickness so worth looking into and maybe having an open discussion with your clinic? x
Hey lovely, I replied to you on another thread but I wanted to suggest caster oil packs or at least a warm hot water bottle to the area. It increases blood flow there according to an accupuncturist I saw xx
It should totally thicken up before your FET - you still have some days to go. Mine was even thinner than yours at this time point, and by FET it got up to 7.5mm and 8.0mm (for my successful pregnancies).