I had two day 6 embryos transferred yesterday afternoon and had a really bad stomach this morning. I'm assuming it's unrelated or down to the projectile vomiting woman that I walked past in the hospital yesterday morning! This is our third transfer and I normally tolerate the meds well. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this reaction to having an embryo transfer and how long the dodgy stomach lasted for.
Bad stomach morning after day 6 transfer - Fertility Network UK
Bad stomach morning after day 6 transfer

Hope you feel better soon! Could be due to the stress/meds during your treatment cycle Or maybe a tummy bug Make sure drinking fluids and try to eat little and often -dry toast tea biscuits Or try dioralyte sachets to help correct imbalance caused by dehydration If it persists get in touch with your clinic/GP for further advice
Take care
I didn’t have a reaction to the transfer but I had food poisoning which started on day 6 after transfer and had really bad diarrhoea for a week.I didn’t know it was food poisoning at the time and also didn’t know the transfer had worked till I got the blood result on day 10. It didn’t clear up after a few days so had sample tested where discovered had food poisoning. I stayed hydrated and had dioralyte sachets to replace what I had lost.
Was amazed the embryo had implanted with all that and I am currently 8w5days.
What ever the cause is for yourself, hope it gives hope. Wish you well.
I had 2 or 3 days in the 2 week wait where I felt my tummy was a bit dodgy - it never really progressed to anything bad and I still went to work etc., but it obviously wasn't anything to worry about because I'm now pregnant (10 weeks today).