Hi everyone, I just had my embryo transfer yesterday. When I got home from clinic I noticed there was blood on my sanitary pad. Since yesterday when I go to bathroom I also notice a brown on toilet tissue and very mild cramping. It’s too early for implantation bleeding. It’s not the start of my period is it? My Dr said it’s normal, but I’m just a bit nervous. Has anyone else had this?
Embryo transfer blastocysts day 6 - Fertility Network UK
Embryo transfer blastocysts day 6

I would have thought it’s just from the embryo transfer procedure itself. I had a scratch last Friday and I’m still noticing brown when I wipe too xx
Hi, try not to worry. Easier said than done though right? I would imagine that as the spotting is brown in colour this is old blood left over from egg collection/ embryo transfer. I would have had spotting and cramping like this in the past after scratch, EC and ET. All the poking about disrupts things in there. Wishing you lots and lots of luck for your 2ww xx
Thank you! Yes I think I’m being hyper sensitive and just noticing everything. I used donor eggs so it’s not from collection. I’m hoping it’s probably some blood that cane through when they put the catheter during transfer, since there was initial brownish red blood and then has turned to completely brown. But then again the color change could be from progesterone suppositories... Geesh the more I think about it could be anything.
I’m using donor eggs too. Embryo transfer on Friday all being well. Hoping all works out for you xx
Im doing mine tomorrow! How was it? I’m too scared. Think the brown boold is old blood from yesterday don’t worry xx
It was a little uncomfortable but not painful. It’s very quick. I had my doctor, the embryologist, a nurse and another doctor in the room and you watch the entire procedure on a monitor. It’s really quite cool, you get to see the embryos being released and we all cheered once they were released. We did a round of hi fives and I went home about an hour after that.
Think positive and don’t be scared! Science is really amazing so enjoy watching the process.
I had the same and it was just from the transfer xx