I am starting to feel the emotional toil of IVF.
The initial phases were great. Excellent stims response, excellent egg collection, and 3 high quality embryos. Unfortunately everything started to go tits up from fresh transfer.
Fresh transfer was cancelled due to high progesterone (4.6 but it was supposed to be 4.5), which is fine, I thought I could use the break.
However, now we are left to decide if we want to go with a medicated or natural FET. I have regular cycles so I am happy to go with natural, however, my clinic doesn't do weekend transfers, so if by any chance my transfer falls on a weekend it would be cancelled! Also, they do not do ultrasounds either on weekends so if my 11th or 12th day of cycle ends up on a weekend they may cancel those, too! (like our bodies work 9-5 ).
Alternatively, the nurse said that I could go with a mild medicated transfer, and it means I could take oestrogen for 2 weeks and then cyclogest, and that could be better for us to avoid cancellation on weekends. I am tired of taking hormones, I don't think it's great on the long run for my health, but I think the mild medicated could be the best option to avoid any stress.
I know that ultimately this is my decision, but I want to hear from any other experiences