Hello and happy weekend!
I have had three failed FETs this year. Most recently in August. I had my follow up consultation recently to discuss the outcome and plan next steps. I have come away feeling more confused that ever about the right thing to do.
FET 1 in Feb, top quality 5 day hatching, ended in chemical.
FET 2 in May, another top quality day 5, failed to implant
FET 3 in August, another good quality day 5, hatching, ended in chemical.
The consultant gave lots of options including PGS testing (we have 4 embies left, 2 x day 5 decent quality and 2 x day 6) blood work (which I had done at the end of last year and all fine), a test of the lining of my uterus to see if I need probiotics (need to look into this more but it involves basically a simulated cycle with all the meds to then test the environment of my womb at the time I'd normally have the transfer). Maybe I just take probiotics anyway?! We're pretty sure we won't do PGS testing.
And then she said we could choose to do a natural FET instead of medicated. All my previous have been medicated and I've responded really well. Textbook.
So I'm not sure why I'd try a natural cycle - the doctor basically said "to try something different..." I just feel like it's a big gamble!
But I also am not sure on what to change for next time.
Sorry such a long post. I just feel lost as to where to go from here.
Any stories about moving from medicated to natural cycle and it being a success? X