I had a faint line since dpo 9. The line seems to progress well. I opted to not know my hcgs this time, as it sent me spiralling last time. I've not had a single symptom since dpo 9 when I had a headache in the evening prompting me to test. I have had 3 losses at 5-7 weeks last year, and I'm so worried. Initially I've read stories of no symptoms during tww, no symptoms at week 4 and now I'm week 5, still no symptoms. As weeks go by, the stories get more negative. I'm on progesterone, aspirin and clexane, I would have thought at least progesterone will give me some symptoms but nothing. No tiredness, no nausea, no sore boobs, no cramping nothing.
I have a scan at week 7, I fully expect this has failed. I'm not sure how to go from there as that will be MC #4 and the only one where I took meds to support. I'm feeling negative 😔
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hi, please try not to worry about symptoms, I had nothing until at least 7 weeks. At 6 weeks I thought I had some mild nausea but I now think it was anxiety. Only at around 7 weeks did I start with mild food aversions. Symptoms come and go even at that stage and can be different between people, without any difference in outcome. Everything crossed for you, I know it’s an anxious time xx
Thank you so much. I have a scan booked for 7 weeks but I know that nothing will 100% reassure me until I have my little baby with me. I hope one day I'll get to enjoy the pregnancy!
Gentle congratulations on your BFP! On my successful round of IVF, I had really high HCg numbers and still no symptoms AND I was pregnant with twins. I asked my doctor about it and she said it’s very common for women not to experience any symptoms, it’s just that those who do, talk about them.
I’m pregnant now, only around 5+ weeks (natural surprise conception) and I also don’t have any symptoms and I feel very anxious because I would rather have some symptoms to give me reassurance but I keep telling myself that symptoms or no symptoms don’t tell you much at this stage. We just have to have a little faith 🙏🏼
Thank you, feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to. I have a little boy, who I had all types of symptoms at this stage, and the MCs also had symptoms, so this is new to me. Such an anxious time, I dreamt of positive test and previous losses just put me so on guard.
Thank you. They’re over 2 now and such a joy. I completely empathise with how you’re feeling because I remember having zero symptoms and just being so anxious but every pregnancy is different 🤍
And thank you, you too. I do feel more alone in this than I did with my IVF pregnancy because I had the clinic as my guide and safety net whereas I’m totally on my own in knowing how to manage a natural pregnancy. I’m taking aspirin and been recommended to take progesterone by my private doctor but the NHS won’t prescribe it to me so I’m back and forth trying to get hold of that to give me some security! It’s never easy, is it!
Hope everything goes smoothly for you. Keep us posted xx
I was supposed to start IVF in July. Thankfully the IVF clinic prescribed progesterone and clexane. You might be able to ask your previous doctor for reassurance?I am also pregnant by surprise naturally. But I had 3 MCs, so I did a lot of tests privately and was able to get back to those doctors for medication. It's my first time with medication. Nhs refused everything to do with medication even though I have a blood clotting condition. I brought letters and even prescriptions and they still refused.
I’m similar, two previous miscarriages before the twins and my private doctor is the one who prescribed the progesterone via my GP (because it’s then free). He’s on holiday now so I’ve contacted my IVF clinic today to see if they’d prescribe the progesterone. It’s sad the NHS is making it so difficult for me to get hold of it and have said I don’t fit the criteria and I’m not bleeding so they can’t. They just said I have to trust that it’ll be fine because it’s a natural pregnancy but I’ve miscarried with a naturally pregnancy previously so that doesn’t fill me with a lot of faith.
So pleased you have some medication to offer you a safety net even if it isn’t needed and it’s more that mental support (which I’m thinking is what it is for me!).
We were also due to start IVF again in October after delaying our start date from July! Whilst I’m terrified, it’s nice to have been able to have a surprise pregnancy 💛
For what it's worth for each of my MCs (natural pregnancies), I did progesterone test (while not on progesterone) and it was always good level. For me I'm hoping it's the clexane that improves blood clotting though blood clotting is more likely to improve outcomes for later MCs I heard. To be honest egg quality seems to be the absolute most important thing and I have no control over that, and natural pregnancy is as good chance as IVF!It really is lovely to be pregnant again after a year and the year before being quite depressing. I hope the best of luck for us.
Thank you, that is reassuring. I’ve never really had a problem with my progesterone levels from what I know but because I trust my private gynaecologist, I’d more comfortable just having it as a security. It doesn’t hurt to take it I guess!
I felt the clexane also helped me sustain my twin pregnancy. I’m not taking it this time but hoping it’ll be okay without it. I’m on aspirin.
You wouldn't get symptoms with aspirin, not sure about clexane but if you're not getting symptoms with the synthetic progesterone maybe your body is just handling it really well. I read that if you are sensitive to oestrogen you can get really bad morning sickness and that was definitely true for me, maybe it's the same with progesterone. You may just be one of the lucky people who don't get symptoms. Plus each pregnancy can be different - my first I was sick early on and it went on pretty much the whole time whereas the second it started later, was very intense and then stopped really suddenly around 10/11 weeks not to really return. I also had very strong symptoms after a transfer that ended early and it turned out the HCG had never got high enough and must have just been the meds, so what I took as strong pregnancy symptoms gave me false hope. If you're not getting HCGs then it's probably best to just try and distract yourself until the scan and ignore any symptoms or the lack of as I don't think they mean much. But I know that's easy to say.
Thank you OrangeJuice. I know good hcg and symptoms is not a guarantee but not having any symptoms is just so weird for me. I would have thought even a little cramp so the baby is getting comfortable. Maybe I am lucky. I keep some hope but this feels like a miracle at this moment.
Hey PenpalLdnI'm 13dp5dt today got my BFP on Monday via hcg and hpt.
I have zero symptons my med symptons tailed off at 3dpt aswell so I was flawed when it came back pregnant. My last cycle was chemical hcg never got above 500 and I was nauseas, tired, uterus was swollen and my wee smelt. I though those thing were med related but I didn't get them this time so think they were pregnancy symptons so was expecting all those things again... but No.
I board the crazy train to HCG town and have got another 3 tests booked in as I can't cope not knowing. So you are brave and obviously saner than I am.
I will obviously keep weeing on a stick to and analysing the line strength 🤯🤯
Congrats! I know this anxious time too well. I had no symptoms in tww except one evening of headache. I hope we are just lucky! I went to a horrible anxious place doing hcg last time, I had 65% increase each time before and around 6 weeks with both low hcg level and low increase, I miscarried. I don't want to go through the same anxiety and rather just poas this time.
Yeah I get the anxiety so well. We fo what we have to yo try abd remain in control don't we.It's such a mind melt the sympton thing I'm like I'm taking all these drugs I should feel this way etc I felt like this last time why don't I feel this this time. Crazyyyy.
hi I’m really glad you posted this as I’m feeling the same. After 3 hard rounds of IVF (never enough to freeze) we got a BFP last week. We threw everything and the kitchen sink at this round and I was still so surprised. Every pregnancy test I’ve taken in my life has been stark white.
My first scan is booked at 8 weeks (so almost at 6wks now) and until then feels like an eternity. My clinic doesn’t do blood tests and we haven’t told anyone as it’s so early. I don’t really have any symptoms either so I sometimes feel like it’s not even real and have a lot of anxiety about what may or may not be there at that first scan.
Trying to take each day as it comes and keep on with the progesterone but it’s so hard. The waiting and worrying really feels like the hardest part! I hope all is well with you and hanging in there! x
Yes we are in the same boat, the uncertainty and not having control over anything is hard. I'm trying to remember that it's more likely to be a success than not. Some days are just so much harder, I have to give myself grace. Hoping and praying for a good outcome.
Hi ladies, I’m the same here, I’m hopefully nearly 5 weeks and minimal to zero symptoms. I’m an anxious mess as I’ve had two miscarriages (from natural conception) then a failed IVF cycle with a PTGA tested embryo a few months ago and now I find myself pregnant naturally again after over 18 months since my last miscarriage 🤯 and right before I was due to go to Glastonbury. You couldn’t make this up. My first HCG was lower (75) so last weekend I spent it all trying to hold it together at a wedding thinking I’m going for a third miscarriage and then Monday HCG has doubled and Wednesday doubled again so I’m back in the game. It feels like Russian roulette with a none tested embryo and I am bracing myself now for viability scan a week Monday. I’ve only ever had bad news so this process is so tough for me. We are trying for our first it’s been 24 months with a lot of tears and heartache. I’m 38 now and I just pray this is our time! Sending love to all xxx
I really identify with your message. I had 3 MCs from natural conception, found out after my 3rd that I probably have diminished ovarian reserve. I was supposed to start IVF with PGT in July and got pregnant this month. Each time I had high hopes and now I don't know what to feel. I got seriously bad mental health with 3 MCs, and now after 10 months since my last I'm more positive and hopeful but that's just because of time. A lot of it is egg quality so I'm hoping and praying a good one snuck in. I don't know what will happen if this doesn't work out as IVF is a numbers game and I don't have the number of eggs. I think we have a scan same day 🙏🏻🤞🏻
I feel the same PenpalLdn hang in there! I also have low AMH and my age against me - I’ve done three back to back egg collections last year which was torture as my numbers per collection were low (3 and 4’s) I honestly had no hope and felt so desperately depressed. It was an awful time especially as I was mourning my two miscarriages which happened within 5 months of each other. I then become unwell after my second missed miscarriage and thought I was having heart issues but it turned out the pregnancy hormones had triggered a chemical inbalance and I ended up with gallstones which were diagnosed fairly quickly but still took a month or so. I had three attacks in the space of three weeks which was agony and didn’t know why. Once my dr realised it was gallstones I then had to have an operation to remove my gallbladder even though I’m super fit and healthy. Honestly 2023 was the worst year of my life.
We went down ivf PGTA route after my gallstone op as I was so concerned about age and the miscarriages but the first transfer earlier this year didn’t take despite doing everything. EMMA / ALICE, NK Cells the works. And now here we are pregnant again crapping myself for my scan which has only delivered awful news. At least I won’t have gallstones to contend with I suppose.
My clinic have put me on progesterone and aspirin and I also had an intrapilid infusion today as I have elevated NK cells but obviously none of this is going to help if the quality of my egg is rubbish.
Did you have any testing done? Do you know what your AMH levels are? I went for ivf as I wanted a bit of a safety net which has taken a bit of pressure off as I have a few embryos on ice but it is / was a very mentally challenging and extremely expensive way of trying to take some control over something which is so out of our control.
Sending hugs 🤗 praying this is both of our times for good news xxx
My AMH is 1.75 pmol/l. I believe DOR is <1. This was taken a year ago, so who knows what it is now, I don't even want to know. Most IVF clinics told me I don't need IVF, to try naturally, and the only edge would be pgt testing but even then like you said, there are no guarantees. I did all tests known (except nk cells which I was supposed to do in August in Coventry), and I have a blood clotting condition. Also incidentally my ANA came very high which has some correlation with immune stuff but I never went that way. I wanted to do the immune tests on the endometrium, but hopefully I'll never have to do it. Something I remembered if you're taking any drugs for immunity, it may mask symptoms, so you may have less symptoms because of it.
It's so good you have some embryos on ice, it does take off some pressure and also if you want more kids. But I totally get the anxiety, it will always be with us until we have our babies.
If you don't mind me asking, when were your MCs? Mine I never saw heartbeats, so that's my hope for my scan, to see a heartbeat. Because then it might be different to the other 3. It's just so hard to even think about my MCs, they also triggered a lot of health issues, I think my immunity was the lowest in 2023. Indeed it was the worst year.
Hi PenpalLdn sorry for the delay. I’m getting myself into a complete state with no symptoms. I think it’s because I felt more pregnant before I even missed my period than I do now and also in my MMC I had symptoms too. I’ve been crying all weekend. And missed Glastonbury to top it all off. My first miscarriage started bleeding naturally at 5wks 5days so was a natural miscarriage. Second one was a MMC. I had early private scan at 7 weeks they said they were unsure of the viability so suggested go to the EPU. Went there they said I had a heartbeat all good and come back in two weeks, I thought everything would be fine but went back and minimal growth, no viable and had a D&C. So I’ve only seen a heartbeat once and clearly it wasn’t a good one. That really upset me as I just didn’t even know that could happen.
I know this pregnancy isn’t viable with zero symptoms- I’m trying to go to the EPU later this week I can’t take it anymore the not knowing. I’m so upset I feel like there must be something really wrong with me but all the tests are not saying that apart from raised NK cells which I’ve had intralipids for. I’ve also picked up a really sore throat and cough which is definitely not going to be helping a pregnancy grow. I just want a baby and don’t want to keep going through miscarriages 😭 xx
Please don't apologise. I've also been very nervous. Unfortunately though until scan, there is nothing we can do and whatever happens, it's outside our control. Mostly egg quality matters, and we can't do a whole lot about that, so we just have to wait and see and hope. Have you had any hcg tests? Any scan booked? I've had sore throat and hayfever and joint pain last week, I think it's because of the pregnancy, it's normal.
I know I just don’t think my egg quality is not going to be ok now at 38 with two miscarriages at 36 and no live births. I’m just getting the awful feeling that it’s never going to happen for me. I just want one healthy baby earth side so badly. I did do HCGs - the first one was on the low side but the next two had more than doubled each time and clinic were happy. The last one was last Wednesday. I’ve got an appointment with the EPU this Thursday for a scan under a consultant I spoke to before. My ivf clinic scan is Monday but I can’t wait that long with no symptoms I just want to be put out of my misery. Hope you are doing ok xx
Please don't be anxious. As a reassurance I did hcg yesterday and it came more than I expected, and I had one day of body pain/migraine at 5+1. Before that the only other day of symptom was dpo 9. Our pregnancies might be growing without having any symptoms. You just need to wait until Thursday for your scan. Probably next Monday you would have more answers closer to 7 weeks. There is absolutely nothing more you can do, and being anxious is not going to help you at all.
I know you are right I’m just honestly such a mess. I can not stop crying and I’ve been like it for 48 hours. That’s good news about your HCG, is your scan next week too? I just know that I feel less pregnant now than I did two weeks ago and less than with my previous pregnancies / miscarriages so I just don’t see how this is going to be any different. I just don’t think my body can do it. It never has so I don’t have that knowledge or comfort. I can’t even work today I feel that bad. Praying for both of us xxxx
Yes I have a scan in almost 2 weeks.I had 3 miscarriages and I had more symptoms but with this I have barely any symptoms (bar one day of extreme symptoms), and better lines, better hcg and so son. You cannot know from symptoms what is happening.
You need to find a way to think of something else, even some of the time. Just know that there is nothing you can do now, more than what you're doing, you're doing your absolute best. You need to be calmer for the baby, eat healthily, take your medication, and hopefully the scan will give you more reassurance. If it doesn't work out (and there is nothing you can do then), then you have other options if you feel ready. I know it's all easy to say, but I have so much riding on this pregnancy, I know how you feel. Unfortunately fertility is one thing that we cannot control, it will happen when the time is right, and you're doing everything.
I also have immune issues identified through the ivf clinic - high NK cells which I don’t think is helping either xxx
Please don’t be too nervous about not having symptoms 🧡 I had zero until 7/8 weeks and every pregnancy is different anyways. Progesterone and oestrogens didn’t give me symptoms either.
Yeah really odd that even 400 mg x 2 progesterone is not giving me much sign. Since this post, I had one day of tiredness which made me calmer and then gone again 😂 it's just so hard these early weeks, I hope the baby is ok.
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