Ladies, pls help as my heart is racing with fear. I had a testing day yesterday after frozen 5-day embryo transfer. I have tested since Wednesday and all digital tests show Pregnant 1-2 week. I have done today a normal test together with a digital one to check how strong is the line. Unfortunately it looks like I overfloaded the test and it shows if anything a very very faint line. If it was not for digi I wouldn't think I was pregnant. I have no symptoms, no cramps no bleed. It is my second ivf pregnancy and with my little son the line was super visible already at this time. I'm so worried it could be ectopic or biochemical, booked beta today but the result will be only on Tuesday. Can anyone share their stories, I'm worried that the digi is showing 1-2 week only and that the other test showed such a faint line. I'm not even hopeful for this pragnancy anymore, but I'm terrified it's ectopic. Please some advice needed,I'm panicking.
Pragnancy test-pls help (sensitive) - Fertility Network UK
Pragnancy test-pls help (sensitive)

How many days post transfer did you test? Dont forget with the digital tests you have to add 2 weeks on xx
Hi, thanks for your replay. My testing day was yesterday and it was 12 days post transfer(5 days frozen embryo). They told me I was 4 weeks and 3 days yesterday but the digital says its 1-2 weeks which means 3-4 weeks. I may be panicking but before with my fresh transfer I was already on 3-4 weeks with nice beta above 200. Just worried that its not progressing well 😔
My d12 test wasnt great neither, it was only when I got to 14 that it was definite. I would completely disregard the digital weeks on clear blue. You might literally be 1 number under the cut off for the next week on. Test again on day 14 with a pink dye strip and go from there. Wishing you the best of luck xx