Hello, I was wondering if anyone had any experience of a natural FET? I have had 3 rounds of IVF, 5 transfers, one embryo didn’t thaw and never had a BFP. Previously, the hormone meds (prognova, cyclogest, etc) have made me feel really ill - sore heads and sick - and as my periods are totally regular, the clinic has decided to go au natural, with just crinone gel (which I’ve used once before) post transfer. I wonder if anyone is the same as me and had success going naturally after medicated cycles? Or generally what is the thoughts on this? My transfer isn’t for another couple of weeks so I’m just trying to prepare my mind and body the best I can! The very best wishes to all those waiting on a BFP, especially on the TTW. This journey has been so incredibly hard!
Natural FET : Hello, I was wondering if... - Fertility Network UK
Natural FET

So sorry to hear that you’ve been going through so much. I think that it’s good to try a new tactic with this next transfer. If you have so many side effects from the meds, it might even be a good idea to try a natural FET as I can only imagine that you and your body will be under way less stress, which can only be a good thing.
I did a completely natural FET (not even added progesterone) and it was by far the easiest transfer to go through. Unfortunately it was negative but I blame it on the embryo itself, which was a 4CC day 5 blasto that reached that stage on day 6. So I wasn’t holding much hope for it and I’d definitely try a natural FET again, especially as our issues are on the male side.
From what I remember, the success rates are pretty comparable, but if you do get pregnant, the pregnancy will have lower risks in terms of blood pressure and such.
Good luck!
This is really great advice and knowledge, thank you. I’m feeling better already as we have to travel a long way for scans and appointments so there’s no stress with that either! Im hoping just the add of crinone after tthe transfer will be good as I’ve not had the prognova or anything else beforehand so it’s all just me. I’m so sorry it didn’t work out for you, but good to know it went better than a medicated cycle - I’m hoping the same for me too.
Thanks for your reply - all the very best to you and lots of dust going your way ✨
I’m no expert, but I think that if your period is regular, medicating your cycle is purely for scheduling reasons. The progesterone is what really helps with implantation. I might be wrong ofc but that’s my interpretation of things. So I hope that you’ll have a more relaxed FET this time round and best of luck to you!
Hi Ukulele_unicorn36, I'm in exactly the same boat. I've had 5 failed transfers - all BFN with one early chemical which didn't reach OTD. My clinic have suggested a natural cycle next time with some progesterone support post transfer if I want it. I have decided to give it a try. I have regular cycles and have had no issues through any of my cycles - always good embryos and good linings and good levels of everything. I've decided to go with the recommendation as it is much less invasive and hopefully means no horrible mood swings or migraines for me. I too have read the live birth rates for medicated FETs and natural FETs are the same, but there is a significantly reduced risk of issues later in pregnancy with a natural cycle x
Reading this I could have read my own story! Exactly the same - everything is good except it doesn’t stick and I don’t feel good. I have my transfer on the 15th of April and I’m already feeling better as I feel like myself!
When is your next transfer? Wishing you all the best ✨💖
Ah that's amazing. After my last transfer I wasn't sure if I was more upset about the failure or the fact I had to come off and go onto the drugs again! And I don't even think I get as bad side effects as some others, but I'm just fed up with not feeling well. We are booked in for my May cycle but hoping for a clinic cancellation in April 🤞15th April is really soon! Good luck ☘️ This is our last embryo from this cycle and it is a day 5 blast which was frozen on day 6, so I think the chances are lower but a chance is still a chance!
My story is very similar to WillowPark with 6 failed transfers - 5 BFN and 1 chemical. 1 of which (transfer 2) was natural. I’ve always gone for medicated for the cost (natural they wanted 2 scans plus bloods) and convenience as my clinic didn’t have a preference.
Never any issues with lining or progesterone so this time I had modified natural. Ovulation tests at home till positive, vitally trigger and then cyclogest. I’m also on clexane and prednisolone, and had an HCG wash, contractions scan and embryo glue, but would have those regardless of the transfer protocol.
No scans, no bloods, which felt weird! But the more I think about natural the more it sounds like a better choice. I never had issues with meds, but I don’t like being told what to do, I’m stubborn! So I figure maybe my body doesn’t either! 🙈
I’m on day 7 of tww 🥹🙏🏼🌈💖
I’ve had the same - lining good, regular cycles with no issues. My last round went well; I had 11 eggs, 3 which made it to blastocyst day 5. This is my second transfer from that round, I was devastated the when the first embryo failed but it was my 5th transfer so I knew the score, so to speak. Your protocol seems really similar to mine, no scans or anything beforehand, just testing at home till positive, then transfer & progesterone supplement afterwards. Cyclogest gave me terrible headaches so they are trying me with crinone which I can take just before bed and hopefully I’ll sleep through the side effects - if any!
7 days ttw - how are you feeling? Sending you all the best and dust ✨✨✨ keep in touch with your progress, I’ve got everything crossed for you 🤞🤞
I have really preferred this protocol tbh. Though obviously sell to see if it’s worked 🥹🙏🏼
I’ve had symptoms since started progesterone before transfer which I’m trying to ignore. They dampened off yesterday though. I’m trying to wait till OTD to test this time as an early BFN stresses me out….
Your transfer should be on the day I was hoping mine would be, which would have been my dad’s birthday! Good luck!! 👶🏼 ✨
hi , I have the same story for you, unfortunately not (yet) a success story.
Since cycle is regular, I am on natural FET. In my clinic a natural FET is just a natural one, no trigger shot and no progesterone support as well.
Just a at home ovulation test.
Had the transfer on 26th so at 7th day of 2WW. Todays test came -ve and have started spotting with major cramps but honestly, it feels much better to not have to continuously take meds even when you know you are out.
Natural cycle is much easier on my body I felt !
Good luck 🍀 for you for what ever you choose ❣️
I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you. This is so hard on our bodies and minds. Will you go for a natural on your next transfer?