I’ve recently had a natural FET transfer for the 1st time and I’m a bit confused regarding the test dates, I have a regular 28 day cycle, I’ve been told my test day is the 13th which is 11 days after transfer but my period would be due on the 11th dec, does that mean if it hasn’t worked my period would just come as normal on the 11th? I know it sounds like a stupid question but my last transfer was medicated so it only came after I stopped the medication. Anyone that’s had a natural transfer have you got any success stories?
Natural FET Transfer : I’ve recently... - Fertility Network UK
Natural FET Transfer
My daughter has just had a non medicated FET with a 5 day blastocyst on a natural cycle, she also tested on day 11, and got a positive, she had a medicated FET at the beginning of the year but had her period a couple of days before test date, and it tested negative, fingers crossed you get your positive x
I had a natural FET and I thought the same as you as my test date was a few days after my period was due so I just started testing with cheap pregnancy tests from 4dp5dt, I got my positive at 5dp5dt and my little boy is now 6 months old 😁. All the luck in the world hun, hope that embryo is making itself comfy xxxxxx
I was going to try and not test early, last time I waited till day 10 and got my positive only for it to end in a chemical. I’m not feeling any twinges this time and that’s making me panic a bit, even though my transfer was only yesterday but I’m sure last time I kept getting stabbing pains xx
Awww, I never had any twinges or felt anything whenever I've been pregnant and after my FET so don't let that worry you. I really needed to test early for my sanity, for me even if I would have had a chemical pregnancy with getting a positive, at least I would have known it implanted and time for transfer was correct and my hormones etc xxxxxx
Yes it would mean that your period would likely come first if the transfer isn’t successful. You can either test before your period due date or await your period and if it doesn’t arrive, test when scheduled. If your period does arrive then testing would likely merely be a formality, I think. Good luck...x
Thank you, the nurses never said anything about my period coming etc but I suppose I’ll know earlier then if it’s not meant to be xx
Hi. I’ve just had a natural FET on Friday and I’m due to test next week. Which is after my period is due so I was slightly confused too but trying to think about my period hoping test is positive 🤞🏻 good luck with everything xxx
Good luck, I hope it’s good news for you. Are you having any sort of symptoms and if so when do they kick in? I really wish I felt some sort of period pain etc xx
I haven’t felt anything at all. They said implantation usually happens a few days after the transfer so may start to feel cramps. I’ve just had really bad headaches over the weekend which turned into a migraine last night. Seems to have eased today but still there. Me too. Trying not to think about it too much but i just want test day to be here!! xxx
Hi there
I had a Natural FET back in September. I was also told to test on day 11, which turned out to be the day my period was due, but perhaps that is because my cycle length is different.
We got our BFP and are now 13 weeks pregnant. So strange to do a Natural FET after previously going through three full rounds of IVF.
I did test early at 8DP5DT and got a negative, so my advice would be try not to test early.
Wishing you lots of luck. Xx