I was wondering if anyone has any experience of taking Clexane with an FET transfer? I’ve had 3 failed transfers previously and consultant has suggested I have a natural FET and gave the option of trying Clexane. My transfer is booked for this coming Sunday and I am open to using but just not seen very much about it being used. I also don’t have a history of blood clotting etc
Natural FET and Clexane: I was... - Fertility Network UK
Natural FET and Clexane

I used it for my previous fet which was in a natural cycle. For me it didn't make any difference but i believe this was down to the embryo.
My doctor said there is an idea that it might help in recurrent implantation failure but there is no evidence. I was told it was safe and i had nothing to lose so i gave it a go. The injections were painful and left some bruising.
I also spoke to another consultant, not in my clinic whose view was that it only helps in combination with aspirin, which my clinic refused to give me.
I am now getting ready for another fet. This is a constructed cycle and i am thinking of getting clexane again, my clinic will prescribe it.
Good luck
I had 2 BFN’s and one chemical so on my fourth transfer I asked the consultant if there was anything different we could try and he suggested clexane. Like you I had no indication of any clotting issues but he said it wouldn’t do any harm and may make a difference. My 7 month old is asleep on me right now, no idea if the clexane was what made the difference but it could well have been! It can’t hurt to try it 👍🏻 Once I got my BFP I moved on to aspirin daily x
Thank you, this gives me hope for my miracle! Did you just take Clexane with your transfer or did you take progesterone or anything else?
It was a fully medicated cycle so I took both estrogen and progesterone. I started clexane the day of the transfer and carried on until I had a viability scan which is when they moved me on to aspirin. I took estrogen and progesterone until about 10 weeks when I gradually weaned off them.
There is so much trial and error you just never know what will be the thing that works for you so I definitely say try whatever is on offer because you never know!
hi ,
I was prescribed clexane in my last 3 transfers after 5 bfn. Unfortunately they ended in 2 chemicals and a miscarriage but it’s definitely worth a go … my doctor prescribed it saying it can help with implantation failure .
Wishing you lots of luck xx
As far as I know it’s not related to Fresh or frozen embryo . It’s used on all embryo transfers . Two of the clinics I have had transfer used claxane and one didn’t use. They use it to thin your blood and apparently helps to increase the blood flow to uterus.
in addition to above one of my friend had multiple miscarriages. Apparently it was due to not enough blood flow to the embryo. She had two transfer after using blood thinner and both resulted with healthy babies.
hi i used Clexane with natural FET and I would say take it. Here in UK they don’t test everything but for example from tests done abroad, I know I have PAI-4G/5G and ACE gene mutations for which I needed some blood thinner. So my point is you never know because here they don’t test. It resulted in a missed miscarriage but it is the furthest I have been once on Clexane. Good luck!
Hi, I used Clexane on my last transfer which had lasted my whole pregnancy (because I had some clotting issue). It’s not pleasant but more blood goes to the baby so can’t hurt. I would say it’s worth taking it. Good luck!🤞 🤞
I was on Clexane for my last transfer and am currently 14 weeks. I was also on prolutex, crinone, intralipids and Steriods, so I can’t say whether it was a combination of all that changed the result for me or clexane alone.
I’d say it’s worth doing if it isn’t harmful to you
Best of luck !
Hi, I am on clexane for FET (currently in TWW). I have had 4 previous fails before that to clexane, plus steriods and intralipids was recommended. I had a fail on my first fresh cycle and now onto this second try with them. It can't hurt is the way i see it, got to try everything after the previous fails. xxx
I used fragmin blood thinning injections until 12 weeks with my third FET . Alongside aspirin and progesterone and an endo scratch. Currently feeding twins! Not sure what helped but we too were at the stage if let’s try anything and something worked. We had 2 previous mc and a failed transfer so whether it helped with implantation I don’t know but no clotting issues either as I had the screening which was all normal x
I had a natural frozen transfer and I used thyroid medication throughout all my cycles. I didn’t have a clotting disorder but my TSH levels were slightly high for pregnancy but still within normal range so I was suggested to go on the medication. I was on fragmin. I had two miscarriages and then my natural FET and I had twins so I say go for it. I had them at 43. You have nothing to lose. Goodluck with everything. X
I used clexane following taking the trigger to release my eggs following a cancelled cycle together with progesterone, steroids and intra-lipids and I will do the same for the fresh transfer I am hoping to have following my egg collection at the end of this week. The clexane was prescribed as I had a thrombotic risk profile test down privately and tested positive for the MTFHR gene mutation which is linked to implantation issues. The steroids and the intra-lipids were prescribed due to high levels of Natural Killer Cells and the progesterone is given to everyone at my clinic.
My lucky transfer was an "almost" natural FET with Clexane and prednisone (by "almost" I mean that I only had the trigger shot to make sure I was in sync with the transfer). At first, the clinic told me to get Clexane until the 7th week, then they recommended to continue until week 12, after which I started with the baby aspirin. My baby was so well fed that she was weighting over the 99th percentile at birth, and my placenta was also massive (like twice the size of a normal one). My belly was gigantic!
I don't have known clotting issues, but clearly it didn't hurt the baby! I hate needles, and Clexane is annoying and makes you bruise, but I think it was worth it <3
Good luck!
I had 3 previous fails, on the fourth I was given Clexane and my son is now 4 and on my next FET the doctor followed the same treatment included the clexane and my identical twins are now 3 years.
Just started clexane this cycle too. Not bad i dont think it can do any harm x