hi I wondered if anyone else had experienced this? And should I cancel cycle in case my endometrium lining has now been compromised? I’ve been taking progynova for 12 days have a scan to check lining progress tomorrow in hope for transfer next Thursday, my last two frozen eggs so really don’t want them wasted, but I went for a run yesterday evening nothing too intense a normal run for me, and that has caused some spotting, I’ve had this before when I’m not doing any treatment at all & which is fine when your not waiting to have transfer so now I’m very concerned about my lining they’ll probably tell me to start my progesterone tomorrow too I’m thinking, but I’m wondering if I should scrap this cycle and wait another month, background information is ive just done a fresh cycle which resulted in a sac no baby and had a natural miscarriage and have worked straight off my first natural bleed for this transfer and I wonder if I still have some waste product that my body is trying to rid? Or is this just normal for progynova? Or will the progesterone take over and make sure all my lining is suitable? I know tomorrow they’ll give me good advice but I’m still wondering what others did incase they say go ahead and I’m not sure I should
TIA some much!