Hi fellow ivf warriors! I have undertaken four IVF rounds and we have five PGS tested embryos in the freezer. My first FET transfer was cancelled back in August as my lining only reached 6.3mm. We changed our drug routine this time round and I have been on everything from the start including patches, viagra, vitamin e plus all the natural remedies of raspberry tea, beetroot/ pomegranate juice, Brazil nuts (only two) and avocado. Plus been doing acupuncture twice a week and fertility yoga. Despite all this my lining is still only at 6.3mm but the quality is excellent. Our consultant has decided that we should go for the transfer this Friday. Mixed emotions here as everything I have read suggests it won’t work and I was wondering if any of you lovely ladies had some success stories? I know each lady is different but I just can’t help to think we are wasting an embryo. I have only once managed to get my lining to 7mm during egg collection so not sure if it is just my body. Also will my lining grow anymore now? Any success stories (or guidance) would be really appreciated. Thank you!
Success stories with thin lining - Fertility Network UK
Success stories with thin lining

Hello lovely,Sorry to hear about your thin lining, but it is absolutely fantastic news that you have 5 PGS tested embryos in the freezer! It is also great news that the quality is so good. They say that is as important as the thickness of the lining.
I had problems with thin lining on medicated cycles. They kept increasing the oestrogen (orally, vaginally and skin cream at the same time!) but after weeks and weeks of hormonal treatment (and all the side effects of such high doses), the maximum it got to was 7 mm. Next transfer we decided to try a natural cycle and my lining was 9.6 mm, so the natural cycle worked much better for me. If you are able to, would they consider trying a natural cycle?
I also did regular acupuncture and moxibustion regularly, which really helped.
I wish you all the best x
I got pregnant naturally with lining < 7 mm, but miscarried for other reasons, so I think it is possible x
Thank you so much for that - I am tempted to go for a natural cycle as it appears my body really isn’t a fan of the drugs. Even during egg collection my best results were when we used fewer drugs. I am scheduled to go in this Friday now so if it doesn’t work I think the next option will be a natural cycle. So difficult to stay positive when the odds are stacked against you. Am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage - hope things work out for you. Sending you lots of baby dust 🥰
Thank you 🥰 I was exactly the same as you. My body reacted better with fewer drugs and, in fact, I am now 20 weeks pregnant after that natural cycle, so there is hope!! I know it is very difficult to stay positive all the time but you are in such a good position with all your PGS tested embryos and good quality lining. They say that implantation rates are much higher with PGS tested embryos, so my fingers are crossed for you. I am sending lots of baby dust your way and let me know if I can help with anything x
Amazing news on the amount of embryos you have. I can't really answer your question but also thinnish lining 7mm but good quality and in for transfer on Friday too! this is my second FET - second round too - first round only 1 embryo that was not effected by my condition - cancelled FET due to cyst, extended build up as lining not thin enough ended in BFN. This time still only got one but had more oestrogen from the off to get to 7mm. Excuse the waffle! Good luck for Friday - we will be TWW buddies!
No worries at all and good luck for Friday too!!! We can be TWW buddies - am trying to stay positive! Sending you baby dust x
Hi Pink! That's an excellent collection of blastocysts!
If the quality is looking excellent then I think you trust the clinic on this one There are definitely stories of people getting pregnant on linings under 7mm. If you do end up back at square one, I am currently trying a "stimulated" FET after my body just did not respond to external estrogen last time. I tried everything to help it along (patches, vit E, raspberry leaf tea, acupuncture, etc) but nope.
This protocol is essentially low dose stims medication. TBC if it works but it is another option rather than a fully natural cycle so fingers crossed. I also only reached 7mm at egg collection and the clinic have said that some people's "normal" is just a bit thinner than others. Hope that helps a little bit.
Best of luck for Friday's transfer 💕 xx
Hi,I had 3 ivf cycles cancelled due to thin lining. I was generally around 5.5/6mm. I was waiting on a follow up with the consultant on what to try next to thicken the lining when I fell pregnant naturally, she's 2 now. I'm currently 32 weeks with my 2nd.
So its very possible to get pregnant with thin lining.
I was always told the 7mm is a guideline, everyone is different. The fact your lining is excellent quality is great news!
Best of luck.