Yesterday I had my review appointment after my failed FET. Was expecting just to go straight into a fresh cycle. However I've now found that my lining is on the thin side, it was 6.6 in my fresh cycle and 6.1 on my frozen. Initially I wondered if its something to do with my previous miscarriages as my previous clinic always told me my lining looked good. However looking back at my old notes my lining was similar in my previous 3 cycles. Now I'm wondering if this is why I miscarried twice and why did noone flag it up before now. I've been given various options including a 3d SIS scan, and a mock cycle with endometrio, and some medications including viagra, pentoxyfilline and tocopherol. These need to be taken for 3 months before any transfer/treatment so would delay things which isn't great I'm 39 and my AMH was only 2.8 pmol/l last August so any waiting is torture. However I want to give myself the best chance of implantation. For me I think the mock cycle isn't feasible as I live far from my clinic. I'm think of doing the 3d sis scan and the meds and take it from there. Has anyone got any words of wisdom, it just seem to be one thing after another on this journey!
Thin lining : Yesterday I had my review... - Fertility Network UK
Thin lining

Hope you get some replies to your post Difficult decision to make - make sure you discuss it fully with your clinic
Take care
Hello Tarasunny,
Sorry to hear about your MC 🙁 I’m afraid I can’t comment on the meds or scans. But I thought I’d share my experience of having thin lining…
My clinic uses 7mm as a minimum baseline for transfer. I had 5 cycles cancelled because my lining just wouldn’t thicken up.
After multiple different protocols, OHSS twice, a hysteroscopy and then another cancelled cycle my consultant let me go ahead with a transfer with a lining of 4.6mm because he said it was trilaminar, which is ‘good quality’. Fast forward two years, nine months and my gorgeous LO is here ❤️
I hope that helps you. Good luck with your next stage.
Daisy 💕xxx
What are you using to thicken your lining as I was on estrogen tablets and patches which did nothing, I finally switched to a non standard protocol which got my lining to the good quality (although still not thick!)
Thanks that gives me so much hope, congratulations on your little one. Luckily mine has always been trilaminar just not as thick as they would like. I've only ever had one FET as I make very few eggs. I was on oestrogen tablets for that one. The rest of my transfers have been fresh transfers. That's when I had my bfp's although miscarried both. My next cycle will be the last with my own eggs so want to make sure I covered everything. Hopefully the extra meds will help even just a little bit would push it over the 7mm.
Have you tried a natural FET cycle? That was the only thing that worked for me in the end (as in to get to an actual transfer). My lining was thick on the meds for egg retrieval and a fresh transfer (though that didn’t happen as I got OhSS quite badly) but when I tried the estrogen tabs my lining just couldn’t get above a 6. After many medicated tries and frustrating cancellations we decided to try a natural cycle which helped me get thicker lining for my first FET! Not sure if it’s an option for you both worth potentially discussing with your clinic. I feel for you though, this process is not easy at all x
I've only had 1 Fet before as I'm not a good responder. Natural FET was something I wondered about myself if I'm luck enough to get more than 2 embryos with final own egg round.