Hey all!
I had my first round of ivf last month which didn’t work (low amh, 3eggs, zero fertilisation). This month I’ve just had my LH surge today which is day 30 of my cycle so ovulation will be day 31.
I usually ovulate between days 18-22 with my earliest ever being day 15 and latest at day 24. That latest one turned out to be positive but it was an ectopic so it didn’t last long. Even after that my cycle went back to normal the following month.
We’re trying naturally as we wait on our next treatment but I imagine because this one’s so late that there’s no real chance. Husband has low morphology so our chances are not great but I was wondering if any of you ladies ever had a positive with a very delayed ovulation and/or how long it took for your body to regulate again?
thanks and good luck to you all. ❤️