I'm struggling a lot this cycle - more than I expected. I know the drugs make me feel low and anxious but I'm feeling so lonely during the process, and pretty let down by friends and family. We've been through this many times before and were super lucky to have had my daughter (now 20 months) through a successful ICSE FET. We started a fresh cycle in June in the hopes of having a second.
It's different this time as my husband and I are both working full time and looking after my daughter, so I've been to all the appointments on my own. Maybe that's part of it as my husband feels really disconnected from it as we're so busy and he's not been to any of the appointments so I feel like I'm carrying it all on my own.
I also think I'm carrying a bit of trauma from previous rounds (multiple set-backs, failed cycles and a missed miscarriage). I knew all of that would make this round challenging.
But for some reason my friends and family have totally disappeared and I'm finding it super hard. No-one is checking in to see how I am and I'm honestly baffled about where my support system has gone. Maybe I need to reach out more? Maybe people think because we have my daughter it's not such a big deal this time? (To be fair I thought that too but so far I'm finding it just as hard as before).
Does anyone have any tips for how to build a support network around them during a cycle? I just feel totally alone and let down and wondering how I'm going to get through the next month without some sort of support.