Hi everyone. I'm new to the group. I'm 35 and after asking a query about fertility and egg freezing at the gynaecologist last year, I had some tests. Results were lower AMH and follicle count for my age (still just in range) so I decided to proceed with egg freezing as I don't currently have a partner but would like to keep my options open for having children in the future.
I did my first cycle in Nov18 and had 4 follicles at theatre size by day 9 so triggered and actually got 7 that all successfully froze when collected on cycle day 11. I have just completed a second cycle today and unfortunately the results were not so good. I didn't stimulate anywhere near as well despite following the same protocol and only ended up with 1 egg retrieved that thankfully successfully froze. I don't know why things went so differently this time. I did stay on OCP active pills over when my next natural cycle was due to start due to travelling from the UK to Australia for the cycle and I'm not sure the down regulation quite worked. Any ideas? Has anyone else had significantly different results from one cycle to the next?
I have a follow up with my specialist next week. Just feeling a little down. I know one is better than none and it only takes one good egg, it is just disappointing, especially having travelled to Australia to do this cycle and considering the costs involved. TIA for your support.