We had a video call this morning before our transfer and were told we had 2x3BB blastos plus the possibility of one extra. When I got there they said two had developed so we had 4 in total with one being transferred. However during transfer my cervix was closed and they couldn’t get the catheter through to complete the transfer. They tried a second time but had to leave it due to how painful I was finding it (and not working) and explained they’d have to do it under general anaesthetic in theatre as a frozen cycle. I burst into tears when they said to abandon the cycle and stop the progesterone. Has this happened to anyone else? I’m so worked up and disappointed 😔 but thankful for having four frozen.
Closed cervix during transfer - aband... - Fertility Network UK
Closed cervix during transfer - abandoned cycle

Also might this be why I haven’t fallen pregnant naturally? I forgot to ask the question at the time and they are closed this afternoon and tomorrow. Thanks x
Oh you poor thing. That doesn’t sound nice. BUT, a frozen cycle whilst your disappointed, you can recover, have a month now to relax and enjoy yourself as much as you can. And our little one at 17+4 weeks pregnant was a 3BB, they seem to do really well!!xxx
Hi wishful, so sorry to hear this and just wanted to say I’ve had a similar experience. First fresh transfer was really difficult and got a bfn and had my second transfer today which had to be abandoned after difficulty. They tried two catheters and another thing (described it like a clip) but no luck so they called another doctor to try but again no luck. Agreed to freeze and plan to try a dilation before frozen transfer or doing it with sedation. Totally understand how disappointing it is but the doctor did say to me after it being so tricky that it was better to stop as it can cause contractions and could hamper implantation so that made me feel a little better about it being delayed. Hope you get a chance to rest up. Congrats on your frozen embryos!
Sorry to hear you’ve experienced similar - twice! It’s so disheartening and upsetting when you gear yourself up for going home with an embryo nestling in! But yes if it can cause contractions then it’s definitely for the best to delay. I had that clip as well today, very uncomfortable!..and have the same planned in terms of dilation. Hope we both have better luck next time and hope you are being kind to yourself too! Thanks for your lovely reply xx
I know, let’s hope the next one goes well for us! It’s so hard to be patient!xx
I recently had a failed cycle and I just knew it hadn’t worked because of all the difficulty getting the catheter in, it was dreadful! I’ve got a phone call with my consultant as I don’t want to repeat that situation again, I’m going to ask him to to the transfer this time. I understand how disappointing it is when things don’t run smoothly, to be honest I feel upset as this cycle I feel like we wasted one of one of our precious frosties. Big hugs xx