I am due to start my first ivf cycle tomorrow and I feel apprehensive and unsure about what is going to happen. I have my appointment with the clinic at 8:30am tomorrow to be shown how to administer the injections and i feel scared if i'm totally honest. Any advice for a first timer?
First Cycle - What to expect - Fertility Network UK
First Cycle - What to expect
Hello! Just wanted to say good luck. Are you in long or short protocol? I'm on my first go, short protocol, and it's been OK so far. The injections aren't too bad (hubby doing all of mine) and I've felt OK. Getting a bit uncomfortable now, and feel quite tired. My tummy is a bit sore from the needles but nothing awful. I've been drinking loads of water which is supposed to help avoid bloating, and generally tried to eat well and keep moving - excerised normally for the first week but having to go a bit easy now because of sore tummy.
Try not to worry about it too much, I know that is easier said than done but for me it hasn't been too bad. Keeping busy helps too otherwise you spend the while time worrying!
Best of luck x
Hi and thanks, I'm on short protocol (all these new words!!) great idea getting the hubby to do the injections i am a bit scared of the thought of injecting myself and can imagine being there for a while gearing up to do it so definitley will be suggesting he helps. Certainly lots of water and healthy eating taking place, much easier when everyone else is on post xmas diets too
Good luck with yours, fingers crossed 2019 is our year xx

Also, for the first couple of injections we found it helpful to watch the instructional videos on the drug manufacturers website just before we did them. Helped us to feel like we knew what we were doing! Just be careful of YouTube videos - I saw lots that had somewhat dubious advice and techniques that might not be correct for your medication.
great idea
I started my first injection of my first ever IVF cycle this morning. How are you getting on?
Absolutely fine so far, i'm on day 9 of injections and had a second scan this morning where everything is growing nicely according to the nurse. I have another scan for Monday and hopefully should be ready for EC on Wednesday, fingers crossed xx

Day 4 for me today then blood test tomorrow morning. I'm only on day 4 and every little twinge I think something is up, I have a cold which is also not helping... Let me know how you get on with your EC and best of luck with everything!
Good luck!! Don’t panic about all the medication and injections. It’s all very much step by step. Your not on every type all at once. Take each day a step at time xx
thanks, I am trying not to think about what is going to happen to far in advance as it is a little overwhelming, the immediate goal is get the follies to grow over the weekend ready Monday's scan xx
My prayers and best wishes for everything to go on well.