Help!! It’s happening again! Polyps s... - Fertility Network UK

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Help!! It’s happening again! Polyps suspected day 6 scan….

LittleT123 profile image
7 Replies

Hi I’ve not been on here for a while as after my first failed round of IVF in November 2021 I had to wait a few months for a Hysteroscopy to investigate a suspected polyp found at my day 10 scan during the stims. Nothing was picked up at baseline scan. The doctor who performed that egg collection said she couldn’t see a polyp but the sonographers both said suspected polyp after several rescans, so I was put on waiting list for Hysteroscopy to investigate rather than wait list for next IVF round.

The investigation Hysteroscopy found no polyp and the surgeon said that it must be a fold in my endometrium lining that looked like a polyp or the polyp had come away naturally. I asked the surgeon if they were 100% sure no polyp and she said 100%. She said if anyone tries to say there’s a polyp to speak to her and there’s 100% no polyp. She also did a biopsy which came back normal.

So then I waited from February till June for my second round of IVF (as we got nothing to freeze in the first round unfortunately) and on my baseline scan last week they said everything was clear then at day 6 scan yesterday the advanced nurse practitioner said she could see a polyp. I explained this happened last time and that I’ve had the Hysteroscopy and the doctor was certain I don’t have the polyp. The nurse confirmed what she suspects is a polyp is in the same place as the last suspected polyp. I tried to tell her that the surgeon said it’s not a polyp but she said it might have grown back and I questioned that a polyp could grow back in exactly the same place to exactly the same size in a 3 month period. The chances of it being in the same place and exact same size (9mm) was very slim and I didn’t believe it was a polyp and that it’s folding in the lining and I don’t want this to affect further IVF if this isn’t successful as I was told last time that the position of this suspected polyp was high up so wouldn’t affect implantation as that happens in the middle of the uterus, so with that in mind it doesn’t matter if it’s a polyp or not as they still did the embryo transfer last time. The nurse said at this stage she can’t say how the treatment plan will move forward and if they will do an embryo transfer or if they will freeze all embryos and do an investigation.

This just totally messed my head up. I was so chilled about this second round of IVF much more chilled that last time as I know the process now and then I got this wildcard thrown at me. If the nurse is right and they don’t proceed with an embryo transfer because of this then I will be angry as they proceeded last time so possibly wasted an embryo. And also, there’s a huge part of me that doesn’t even think this polyp is even there and it’s just my body and I greet a fold in the endometrium lining as it thickens as it seems very strange that the exact same thing has happened again. No polyp visible on baseline scan then polyp appears after stims. Maybe that’s a thing and polyps can appear during the meds I don’t know, but the fact I had the Hysteroscopy and had it confirmed no polyp it’s just so frustrating they are saying polyp again!!!!

I turn 39 next March I don’t have any children neither does my partner, we only met 3 years ago. I just feel like I don’t have the time for all this messing about over suspected polyp to then find there’s no polyp.

Also, this is my last funded round as we got 2 funded. Does anyone know if the IVF wait lists are shorter when paying private? As I just don’t have the time to wait….

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7 Replies
MrsOrangejuice profile image

I had the same thing on my first FET - first scan they said there was an area of thickened lining that looked like a polyp. But I'd never had one before in IVF or years of gynae investigations and surgeries. Plus my lining had got really thick very quickly on the oestrogen meds. The nurse was really pressuring me to cancel and then she got the consultant in who was even more negative and said I should cancel and not waste my 'precious embryo'. However, I asked if they were sure it was a polyp and was told no, it could just be a 'rucked up' bit of lining due to the over thickening. It was a horrible decision but because of my history, that they couldn't be certain and tbh just wanting to go ahead as we'd already had cancelled rounds and been delayed so much, I asked to continue but to reduce down the oestrogen. By time we got to transfer the lining had evened out. That one worked but it could have been a failure and I needed to be ok with that and not regret. I felt the pressure to cancel was a bit unfair but in hindsight they had my best interests. I think you just need to be comfortable with whatever decision you make. Could you also maybe ask for one more/an extra scan in a few days to see whether it's any more clear? You can usually get as far as transfer and still cancel without losing funding so worth checking.

On waiting times, private was much quicker than NHS for us and they got us started on treatment the same month whereas NHS had 6mnth+ waits even for FETs, but it depends on your clinics.

LittleT123 profile image
LittleT123 in reply to MrsOrangejuice

Hi thanks for your reply, last time I didn’t feel pressure to cancel almost pressure to proceed from the doctor, but I don’t know what will happen this time because they proceeded last time and it didn’t work so maybe this time they might say best to cancel. I just don’t believe there’s a polyp there it was clear on baseline scan then suddenly a 9mm suspected polyp. Doesn’t make sense. That’s good to know it was quicker when you where private, which clinic was it you went to? Xxx

Ganges profile image

I’m the same, had to have a hysteroscopy before first round of ivf. That was nhs funded so delayed me. No polyp, just a fold. This fold is seen on every scan, in the same place. I’ve swapped clinics and they’re happy that I’ve had a hysteroscopy that was clear and that I say it’s the same place and size etc. waiting times are less in the nhs, I’m also 39. Swapped from nhs funded at a private clinic to another private clinic. Request your notes before you move. It’ll save time and money if blood tests etc are in date. Good luck

LittleT123 profile image
LittleT123 in reply to Ganges

Thank you I think after this round I will move clinic. Which clinic did you swap to? X

Natasha1999 profile image

Hi LittleT123 hope you’re well. I’m keen to know how you got on?? I now have the same and am due to have treatment abroad next week, which is likely to now get cancelled. Your story is literally the same as my story. I was due to fly out for treatment Nov last yr and days better flighy, my treatment was cancelled due to this sighting of a Polyp. I’ve not had a hysteroscopy, but the Gyne confirmed no polyp. I’ve again had a scan last night and yet again, they’re insisting it’s a Polyp, which means my treatment is likely to be cancelled again. Feels like someone is toying with our lives that we’re not in control of.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated xx

LittleT123 profile image
LittleT123 in reply to Natasha1999

hi sorry to hear you’re going through this. It’s so very frustrating when you feel like your fate is in the hands of others.

I have been through 3 cycles of IVF and the phantom polyp appeared on all of them at some stage. Because I had a hysteroscopy after cycle one which confirmed 100% no polyp I would always go into my next treatment telling them what had happened and that if they saw something it’s not a polyp but a thickening of the womb lining. And ask them to read back through my records on this before scanning me.

On the 2nd cycle the nurse that scanned me said she thought it was polyp but I wouldn’t accept this so asked for them to bring the senior nurse in to scan me who looked at it and wasn’t convinced it was a polyp as couldn’t see a strong enough blood supply to the area. They were happy to proceed with treatment.

On my third cycle (private) I explained the past phantom polyp situations before being scanned at base line and went over it again with them before day 10 scan and the nurse couldn’t see anything at baseline but at day 10 could see thickening of the womb but said she can see it’s tissue not a polyp ( this was a very experienced person)

In my opinion when they are in doubt they will say suspected polyp to cover their backs and put this call into someone else. In my experience the more experienced the person who scanned the more rational they would view the situation.

Subsequently our 3rd cycle wasn’t successful even after getting 3 top quality embryos and having 1 transferred last September and 2 in December HOWEVER in January I was late on my period and did a test which was positive and I’m going for a 7 week scan today. We fell pregnant naturally after 3 years of trying natural , 18 months combined with IVF/ICSI.

From the research I did myself I found that polyps do not always mean a pregnancy can’t exist and be successful. In the world of natural conception there are women walking round with polyps and don’t know they have them who get pregnant and the polyp isn’t discovered until they have a scan, often at 12 weeks gestation. Also, from what I’ve read, it depends on the position of the polyp as to if it will affect implantation. My suspected polyp was at the top of the womb and implantation takes place lower down so they were happy to go ahead as they said it won’t affect implantation. I also know a woman who had polyps whilst pregnant with twins from IVF and the polyps just fell off them selves IE “disappeared” while she was pregnant.

If you do have a polyp it can be removed easily to my knowledge however if your Gyno says it’s not a polyp I would recommend a hysteroscopy camera procedure to back this up and then if the suspect polyp (which is actually thick tissue folded in the uterus) keeps arising, like mine did it, it won’t affect future treatments as it’s been thoroughly investigated.

Lots of private clinics offer hysteroscopy and the wait list can be less than NHS however we went in wait list for both and NHS did come through first.

Hope this all helps and try not to worry, I know it’s easier said than done however you will get over this obstacle xx

Natasha1999 profile image
Natasha1999 in reply to LittleT123

Hey, oh bless you, you have certainly also been through it. And as you say, our fate is in others hand and if they can’t agree, where does that then leave us.

The issue I have is because I’m going for treatment abroad, whilst it can be put on hold the cost of medication and various pre- treatments as well as flights keeps mounting up and more so pumping my body with drugs and to then not have treatment is having a toll on me now.

The clinic also refuse to compromise treatment if they are told a polyp exists, so waiting to hear back as to whether we fly next week or not. We’ve been trying for over 10 years now and feels like there’s always some for of obstacle, but not ready to just give in.

I do now also need to re-open my file with the UK consultant to see if he will perform the hysteroscopy to determine the polyp as it’s showing in my uterus and the sonographer yesterday believes there is blood vessels which indicate polyp. It’s beyond belief how opinions can differ so much.

I’m hoping to go for a second opinion this evening, so fingers crossed xx

Oh and congratulations, that’s such an amazing news. Let me know how you get on…so excited to hear this from someone deserving 💞 xx

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