Hi all, just a little update to say that I finally got my first BFP on Wednesday.
I was so stunned, but it seems true!
I’m writing and sharing this because in the past I have looked for hope from other members and when I’ve seen that they were sharing similar problems (failures or symptoms etc) I have often looked at their posts to see if they were successful in the end, and it always gave me hope if they were.
It’s early days, I still have to have my first scan and have to go through other stages and more waiting, ohhh the waiting is hard, but today it is real.
So, for me and my partner of 10 years this was a journey of lots of years of not using protection, then two years of properly trying and no pregnancy. I am 39 and he is ten years older.
We eventually got some NHS testing which showed initially a low sperm count and morphology, which later went back to normal… we don’t know why, perhaps vitamins helped and no baths etc?
My results didn’t bring up anything so in the end as a couple we seemed to have unknown reasons for our fertility issues, as on paper everything seemed fine for both of us.
Roll on referrals and all that madness we had our first go, which ultimately failed in March but gave us two frosties left from this process .
Then this second round starting in June with a 5 day FET, resulting in a BFP on Wednesday 10th July, to be continued…
During my 2WW I felt very similar to how I did when my first round failed, lots of cramping, no implantation bleeding for me, lots of overthinking and trying hard to get through the days. So my symptoms didn’t tell me so much really as to what to expect, but I didn’t get a period. And then there it was, the words pregnant on my test. What a turn of events.
So, that’s where I’m at so far…
I really am thinking of all my brave fertility warriors, it’s a hard slog and I’m amazed at what we can all brave through, and I wish you all (and myself) continued success. This network and the support has really helped me, so thank you to you all xxx