Hi all,
I'm in this 2WW hell after my first FET last Tuesday. I'm still a good few days away from testing (OTD on Saturday) and ofc I have been Googling like mad and mentally exploring every symptom while also repeatedly telling myself: it's the estrogen and progesterone, symptoms mean nothing, it's all a farce, it's too soon for any proper symptoms etc etc.
But after having quite bad cramps last week for a couple of days, and feeling like I'd been hit by a bus yesterday, since last night I've been having really bad nausea and excess saliva to the point where I really can't ignore it anymore! I do usually get a touch of nausea in my luteal phase and I had a little bit after I started the Cyclogest but honestly, the past 18 hours I have been so nauseated. I also feel like my sense of smell is super-heightened which isn't helping.
Is this really a normal side effect of the drugs (also I'm on Progynova) or am I in with an actual shot here? It's driving me mad - I keep eating hoping the nausea will go away (as that usually fixes it!) but it's not doing that at all now! V annoying, ha.
I know it's far too early for actual pregnancy symptoms but it's driving me mad at quite how rough I feel. I like to think of myself as a very logical woman but, you know... IVF and all.
Has anyone had anything similar in the past, and did it turn out well/bad for you?