*sensitive post* 6 weeks scan/ slow h... - Fertility Network UK

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*sensitive post* 6 weeks scan/ slow heartbeat/measuring 4 days smaller

28 Replies

To all my ivf sisters! who are ahead of me or just behind me in the journey- i hope you are having a good day.

I have been POAS the whole time and was nervous and anxious about my scan today.

I had my transfer on the July 2nd and thought i was 6+5.

The scan measured baby at 6+1.

There was a heartbeat but nurse said it was slow.

Even i saw it flicker (machine didnt had sound?) but i thought it was beating too calmly.

I forgot to ask if any of this could be because i have a tilted uterus? Im sure it doesnt matter.

Initially they would discharge me today but i have to come back in two weeks for follow up scan.

Anyone experienced the same and was the outcome positive?


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28 Replies
Nat246 profile image

Hi I’m pretty sure they can’t hear a heartbeat that early on, you can only see it flickering. I’ve never heard it at an early scan. I can’t help with your other query but wishing you all the best and for those two weeks to go quickly for you xx

in reply to Nat246

Thanks Nat for replying. I hope your well. That is reassuring i suppose 🙏

Ivfgotadream profile image
Ivfgotadream in reply to

I had a scan at 6+1 too where I found out I was having twins - I saw the flicker of a heartbeat but I don’t recall the EPU measuring them really and all they wrote in my notes was that a fetal heartbeat was detected. The following week at my IVF clinic they did measure them and both were 157. I read afterwards that they don’t always measure them at 6 weeks because it will only have just started beating and there is a big variation of what the rate could be and they often start out slow and speed up over the next few weeks

It’s quite normal to measure a few days behind or ahead. I had a few scans from six weeks as had bleeding and everytime I was given a different due date. Measurements aren’t that accurate until 12 weeks.

No advice on the heartbeat but 6 weeks is early for a scan. Sometimes heartbeats aren’t even found at 6 weeks. My clinic do them at 8 weeks. I only had them early because of bleeding and that was at local hospital rather than fertility clinic.

Hope that helps x

in reply to

Hi hydromermaid (love the name!) thank you for taking the time. That is somewhat reassuring. 🙏 i shouldnt have googled and read stories as i was more positive before reading them. Xx

in reply to

Google is great but also terrible and I am also very guilty of using it so you aren’t the first or the last.

Hope your next scan is more reassuring xx

in reply to

Thank u so much hun! It really helps reaching out to u guys xxx

KiboXX profile image

Hi Mimisami,

I measured a day or two behind at my viability scan, by the time I had a private one at 9 weeks I was measuring 5 days ahead so I wouldn’t worry too much on that.

I can’t help on the heartbeat front but I do know that the heart starts beating somewhere in the sixth week so it might just be a bit early!

Sending you a big hug and positive vibes, I’m sure the next two weeks will be difficult but hopefully will bring good news xx

in reply to KiboXX

Hi Kiboxx. I hope you both are doing great 🤰🏻x thank you for the positive vibes im gonna try very hard to stick to them xx

Niki_B profile image

Hey hun I seen my babys heartbeat at 5+6 but sonographer said theres a chance we might not see anything this early on..so maybe yours has only just started beating that is why it's slow right now? It is really early on and things will hopefully change by your next scan 🙂 all the best and keep us posted 😁 xxx

in reply to Niki_B

Hi Niki i hope u two are doing well!!🤰🏻

Thank you I appreciate all babies and mommies are different. I suppose the nurse wanted to be politically correct and said its not the best news but it isnt also worse news. Basically it can go both ways. What ever is ment to be i suppose x thank u so much for reaching out. X

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to

Well let's think positive and hope baby is just a slow starter! 😁 a bit rough they are making you wait 2 weeks though I would have thought they would rescan in a week? My clinic never scan before week 7 for this exact reason. The only reason I got scanned at 5+6 with this natural pregnancy is I was having bad pains in my left ovary and I was sure it was ectopic (turns out it was just pain from the corpus luteum in ovary where egg was released) but sometimes these early scans you ladies have in the UK can sometimes cause more confusion than anything. Maybe you could get a private scan in a week if your anxiety gets too bad? Well I wish you all the best hun and I will be looking out for an update from you with hopefully good news. Sending love and good vibes 😘❤💕

in reply to Niki_B

Thank u sooo much hunny!! Im glad your mind was put at rest with the scan. I just need to be patient and hope for best x sending love back 😘 ❤️

Donita33 profile image

Hi hun, congratulations for reaching this far have no exact answer rather to encourage you by saying God brought you this far to celebrate everything is ok don’t think too much. Second I had my transfer right after you on 3/7/20 am waiting for my scan on 11/7/20 which is harder than 2ww.

Will be nice to be pregnant buddies 🙏to lift each other.

Wishing you all the best and the little once. Maybe twin 💕💕you never know.

in reply to Donita33

Hi luv. So glad to read your transfer went fine and you got your BFP!! Congratulations 🥳

im thankful every second of the day and i have put everything in Gods hands. Do you mean u will have your scan the 11th if august? Keep me posted please. God bless u and ur baby/babies ❤️

Donita33 profile image
Donita33 in reply to

Hi honey , yes Sorry my first scan is 11/08/2O . How do they count scan weeks by the way?

CLDxxx profile image

Hi lovely.

I had a scan at 6+6 & another yesterday at 8+5 and although I’m measuring to the dates, the nurse still said to me this could change at my 12 week one as it’s more accurate so try not to worry.

6 + 1 is very early for a heartbeat so I’d say this is still a positive sign.

It’s good they are keeping an eye on you. I hope the next 2 weeks go quickly!


in reply to CLDxxx

Hey hun thanks. Glad everything is going smoothly for you. According to my dates i would have been 6+5 too so i just hope baby is small. Both me and partner are super skinny so maybe a skinny baby 👶 i just hope his heart rate picks up. Please keep us updated with your progress. It gives so much hope these days and keeps my anxiety in check xx

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to

Thanks lovely. Yes I’d say so. It’s really not a big difference days wise but I understand you being concerned. Hehe could well be that! I used a sperm donor so hope I read his profile right and he’s not a giant 😳🤣

Of course! I was worrying as at my midwife appointment Saturday, my blood pressure was so high they sent me to A&E so it made me feel quite panicked which is why I asked for an early scan with NHS but feeling much more relaxed now.

Will stay in touch and be thinking of you xxx

in reply to CLDxxx

Take a good care of your self hun. Important for baby you keep your Bp in check xxx ❤️

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to

Will do lovely. Thank you 💗

Mystic9 profile image

Hi, when I had scans at 6 and 8 weeks they didn't even measure what the rate was, they were just looking for the flicker to indicate a viable pregnancy. I'm now 21 weeks with a healthy baby on board. Try to stay relaxed and enjoy the fact that you are pregnant!

in reply to Mystic9

Hi Mystic thank you so much for reaching out. I hope you and baby are safe and sound. That is very reassuring thank u!! Xx

CLDxxx profile image

Hey lovely how are you doing? Xxx

in reply to CLDxxx

Hey hun thanks for asking. How are you??

I have my scan tomorrow and was away for a week. No major symptoms to be honest so lets see whats going on in there.. im so scared 💔

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

All the best for tomorrow!!xx

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to

Oh bless you. I understand. Sending you so much hope for tomorrow. Thinking of you and here if you need me ❤️

Peanutchips profile image
Peanutchips in reply to

All the best for tomorrow / today (?) lovely. Hope you get good news and your little bean is ticking along nicely xxx

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