Not looking good I only have 2 follicles responding to the drugs at the moment so I have to continue until day 10 and have another scan anybody else had vast improved follicles between day 6 and 10 ended up crying all the way home and was too upset to go to work. I seriously need to be positive and have faith xxx
Day 6 scan on stiming: Not looking good... - Fertility Network UK
Day 6 scan on stiming

Hi Patty, I only had 4 after a week and they were all around the 10mm mark. I ended up stimming for about 15/16 days in the end. I got six eggs in the end. It just takes some of us longer than others to get there but I am sure you will xxx
Thanks for this I will try keep positive. I wonder where they all come from when you only had 4 follicles and got 6 eggs that's fantastic are you waiting to test? Good luck xxx
I think they only measure the bigger ones so there will be other ones lurking in the background. Unfortunately I tested last week and was bfn. On to round two for us. Good luck with your cycle x
I feel the exact same way! I have just got back from my stims scan. Been 7 days on gonal f. The scan showed 7 folicals on right and 2 on left. I thought this was going well but..... she said they are very small and do I want to continue!? Of course I do! Anyway I have to wait till weds for next scan to see what happens next. All my effort is going into growing follies!
Common follies!!!!n🙏🏻🤞🏻
Next Wednesday? How many days will you have been on medication for? Wishing you look I've got everything crossed for you xxx
No this weds. So that will be day 8/9 (number 9 injection in the evening of weds)
🤞🏻fingers crossed for both of us.
I'm now doing the warm water bottle on my stomach.
Hi how are you and have you had another scan today? How did it go? Xx
Yes all back on track! 🍳Have another scan fri and egg collection could be mon or tues. good luck for yours on fri! 🤞🏻🍀
Hi how are you? Have they grown? 😀
I hope so! On fri they said I needed to stim one extra day. I did my trigger last night and collection is tomorrow morn! At least one day off injections👏🏻😁
How's things with you?
I had slow growing too. Furst scan they could see hardly any. Upped the meds i injected for 2 extra days, got 5 and 2 fertilized. I totally relaxed and took it easy after first scan as i realised all my energy was needed for the growing eggs.

I know what you mean I loose so much energy worrying I need to keep that for growing the follicles. Thanks for your advice xxx good luck
Don't lose the faith before the time. Try to think positive and believe that your small number of eggs would be the best in the world. I know it's hard to wait but it worth everything. I know it from my personal experience.
good luck to you dear and believe all things will be great!!!!!
I'm trying to relax it's so hard as you know. Good luck with you 2 week wait I've ev3rything crossed for you xxx
thanks a lot..
Yes I know it's really hard. My 2ww was the hardest in my life. I've tried to relax as I told you but my thoughts were about my baby. You probably don't know but my first try was negative. I don't know why but me first cycle didn't work for me. we decided to try one more time(actually we signed a contract with 2 attempts that's why I didn't want to waste husband's money). After some time, I gathered all my thoughts and decided to move on. To be honest, I was tired from negatives in my life and I didn't want to fail one more time. Unfortunately my previous pregnancies were ended up with miscarriages. Anyway, it was a good experience for us, I mean that clinic but we have done with them when my pregnancy reached 12 weeks term, it's some kind of clinic's rules. I'm not sure if your has the same.
I got to know that I would a mother of two babies. Can you imagine that, two little hearts are under mine. Gosh, it's just incredible feeling ad I wish you to experience that. I believe you'll get a positive result. Just don't worry about that and enjoy your peaceful life.
p.s. looking forward to hear good news from you.
I'm on my second attempt too with a package. Thanks for your kind words so your 30 weeks now exciting eek!!!
Keep us posted xx
really? Where are you doing your cycle? At your place of living right?
That's great? How many eggs they were able to collect and of what quality?
3 embryos were transferred to my body and what about you?
p.s. I will keep you posted, frankly I can't wait my babies arrive soon. I'm so happy I got listen to my husband and tried one more time. Of course it was the hardest decision in my life but it worth everything what I have now.
I'm mixing my days up it's day 11 and they have done another scan I've got 8 follies now ranging 12 13 15 18 18 and 3 under 10. Hope this good enough trigger Sunday ec Tuesday xx