Hello everyone, this year has been rough so I’m hoping to hear some success stories. I had 2 FET’s in the spring, neither of them took so my doctor brought me in for a saline ultrasound and uterine biopsy, they weren’t able to complete the ultrasound because there was some sort of blockage. I was then told that they wanted to do a Hysteroscopy so they could see what was going on in my uterus and hopefully fix anything that may be wrong with it but there was going to be a long wait. My husband and I still tried naturally and fell pregnant last month, first time that happened so we were shocked and thrilled but unfortunately it was short lived because 5 days later we found out it was ectopic and then 4 days after that I went in for emergency surgery... I’m on the list for a Hysteroscopy but at this point I’m starting to feel hopeless and was wondering if anyone has had success after having a Hysteroscopy?? ❤️🙏
Success after Hysteroscopy?? - Fertility Network UK
Success after Hysteroscopy??

Hi Britt. The hysteroscopy is done to dianose any problems that might be there. A biopsy of the womb lining is taken for analysis. I do hear of natural preghnancies following this proceedure, so you never know. Good luck! Diane
Hi Diane, thanks for your reply! Unfortunately, it isn’t possible for me to get pregnant naturally anymore, I had my left tube removed 2 years ago because it was blocked and just got my right tube removed. I have 4 frozen embryos though. I’m pretty sure I have some scarring within my uterus which my doctor said they can snip out and that can potentially make the uterus more susceptible, I was hoping to hear some stories of women who have had this done and had successfully pregnancy. 😊
I had a hysteroscopy after consultant had worries about by womb linning following a myeomyctomy to remove fibroids. Found it very uncomfortable but took painkillers beforehand. Had no issues with my womb linning. Have since had embryo transfer in April 2021 and now 16 week pregnant with twins. As DianeArnold says it is just a diagnostic tool really, you may want to see it as an aid towards IVF.I hope that helps
I had a lap and a Hysteroscopy in March. I was bloated and sore with the incisions taking longer to heal than hoped...but I fell pregnant naturally that same month! We honestly don't know how since hubby has a very low sperm count and who knows what was wrong with me (tests all came back normal). So clearly it was a case of a super sperm and the right egg! I am now almost 18weeks! 😊 Good luck and baby dust! Xx
Hey hi...I had a hysteroscopy last year and had few issues with my lining. I have some scarring in my lining which is preventing it from growing. I have a 3-d ultrasound on saturday to figure out what is going on.