Sorry about the picture has this happ... - Fertility Network UK

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Sorry about the picture has this happen to anyone else.

Chelsea289 profile image
47 Replies

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Hiya everyone the smorming i had a bit off a heavy bleed and a black blood clot came away i went straight to a&e crying my eyes out for them to tell me there nothing they can do im 7 weeks 4days pregnant from 5db natural fet i had a scan at 6 weeks and seen the heartbeat and stuff but today i just feel like its all over they won't scan me till the 7th apirl 😭. The bleeding has stop and now is back to brown ive been havimg brown staining on and off for the past 2 weeks. Is it all over 😭😢

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Chelsea289 profile image
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47 Replies
zzko21 profile image

Wishing you all the best Chelsea!!

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to zzko21

Thank you so much im mentally exhausted now its awfull the hospital wouldn't scan me xx

Orla9298 profile image
Orla9298 in reply to Chelsea289

I’d put yourself on bed rest for now I think, to try and help it settle x

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to Orla9298

Thank you so much xx

muststayhopeful profile image

I’m so sorry. Can you get a private scan? Maybe difficult over bank holiday but worth a try xxx

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to muststayhopeful

I got a private scan for saturday at 4 o'clock i just cant help to think its all over thank you xx

L400ynd profile image
L400ynd in reply to Chelsea289

Please don’t think it’s over just yet. Don’t stress. Try to be zen. I know it will be hard but try to have faith. Sending you massive amounts of love ❤️ xxxxxx

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to L400ynd

Thank you so much ❤️ xxxx

L400ynd profile image
L400ynd in reply to Chelsea289

I just read some more of the comments and I’m so sorry you’ve been treated so awful. Your hospital sounds atrocious. I really hope your private scan can put your mind at rest. ❤️❤️❤️ Xxx

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to L400ynd

Yeah they where awful to me today. Im only 28 and i felt like they just didn't care at all about me. Would put you off want to go back near them. I just hope on Saturday i get the answers and i dont need to go back till my booking scan. Xx

L400ynd profile image
L400ynd in reply to Chelsea289

Fingers crossed lovely. Please try to be calm until Saturday. Xxx

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to L400ynd

Thank you so much im just trying to relex myself till Saturday been in bed most off the day. Xxxx

Jess1981 profile image

This is awful. The failings in the nhs are bad. I'm so sorry they won't scan you earlier. I'd say private scan? But of something isn't quite right ( not saying it would be) they'd refer you back to the nhs as they can't diagnose - if everything is okay ( I hope it is) it could reassure you. I've had this type of bleeding early in pregnancy most of the time it's been ok ( I've had 2 full term pregnancies and one that went at 20 weeks- not related to early bleeding) my last one wasn't okay but it then it went on for days constant spotting- I'm not sure whether I've fully miscarried or if it's impending- no one can tell me as they expected me to have bled properly by now and I haven't. I am worried I have content left . The care has been dreadful- my GP had to intervene . Could your GP not fight for a scan for you? I think under the circumstances you deserve one.Xx

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to Jess1981

Thank you the hospital was awfull to me today telling me to stop crying and its just old blood and all this i was trying to tell them that I'm so scared its my last embryo and they just wouldn't listen to a word i was saying they where so rude i got a private scan booked for saturday so hopefully ill no more 🤞 xx

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply to Chelsea289

I'm so sorry. After my scan which confirmed a miscarriage I was asked by a consultant why was I crying ( it's my 4tg loss) I put a complaint in to stop other ladies having the same experience- I said if you are insistent no partners to EPU then staff should be more supportive of they can't manage that then they should allow partners. Since I lost my daughter Amelia I have lost the filter and don't care what they think! I did get an apology the consultant also said as I have 2 children I should be grateful for them! After a 7 year struggle with 3 surgeries to t treat endometriosis I am more than grateful for my daughter but doesn't make me less sad I've lost another pregnancy. The things medics say never ceases to amaze me. I'm so sorry they treated you so unkindly- when you feel stronger complain it's not okay to treat someone like that presumably your partner wasn't allowed to attend with you. It makes me so angry. Good luck with your scan hope it is reassuring Xx

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to Jess1981

Aw thank you so much im so sorry for your losses i had one in 2019 and it was awfull but i just bleed this time is deffernt hopefully Saturday will tell me whats going on dont think ill go back near the hospital. ill keep you updated thank u so much xxx

in reply to Chelsea289

Hi don’t rule your pregnancy out people do have bleeds and are absolutely fine that clot is small compared to mc’s I’ve had I know it’s very worrying to see bleeding just have wait hopefully it’s nothing x

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to

Thank you xx

in reply to Jess1981

I had on and off bleeding for 3 weeks with my last mc it wasn’t heavy and I’ve had 2 mc before so I know what it’s like to pass naturally giant clots and alot of pain so I had to get a mva as I wasn’t naturally passing. My other 2 mc First was blighted so took 6 extra weeks to recognise it was non viable 2nd took 3/4weeks to recognise baby had no heartbeat.

Your EPU should rescan u after 2w then discuss options for mc.

Your body might not have fully recognised you’re pregnancy is not viable yet it could take a while 😢.

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to

Did u see a heartbeat with any off your m/c i seen a heart beat 10 days ago. Xx

in reply to Chelsea289

No because 2 were blighted but werent found until 12&9w and my other baby heart had stopped at 9w we got scanned at 12w so that one there was a heartbeat but didn’t get scanned early as were naturally pregnancies.

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to

Aw sorry to hear. Hopefully when i go on Saturday for my private scan i no what happing xx

in reply to Chelsea289

Thankyou I am currently pregnant so miracles do happen I have my fingers crossed for u x

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to

Aw congratulations ❤️ ill keep u updated thank you xx

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply to

Thank you for your reply, I hope it wasn't too painful remembering the losses you suffered. My chemical pregnancies I cramped intensely and bled very heavy with big clots even at 4.5 weeks. This one I had spotting that lasted 3 days and no cramping or heavy bleeding. My levels halved on Friday to 65 and I'm having another blood test tomorrow. They never saw any sac. I do feel quite tired and I am worried if there is any content left over. Hopefully they will re scan if there is doubt I haven't passed the tissue.I'm quite surprised my body hasn't responded but then it didn't when Amelia died. Glad your pregnancy is going well and your rainbow baby will be hear very soon Xx

Faith103 profile image

I had this at 8 weeks pregnant I didn’t have clots but I had a similar bleed that were like a period. My baby is currently asleep and 6 weeks old 💙💙

This doesn’t mean it’s over lots of people bleed. I conceived my baby from a FET. Stay positive 😃 xxx

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to Faith103

Aw congratulations ❤️ thank you so much hopefully it settles soon for me & everything ok on Saturday 🤞 xxx

Fizz37 profile image

Hiya - it's not over till its over. Today is my official test date and I've been bleeding and cramping and having actual contractions for 5 days. I was put on extra progesterone via injection 4 days ago and today I was officially told I was pregnant. Not out of the woods by any means as only 4 weeks, but do NOT give up yet ❤❤❤ I think sometimes medical professionals can come across as uncaring but the reality is there is a lot of 'wait and see' in early pregnancy so don't take it personally 🤞🙏

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to Fizz37

Aw congratulations ❤️ thank you hopefully no more tomorrow xx

Fizz37 profile image
Fizz37 in reply to Chelsea289

Let us all know how Sat goes ❤🤞

be_different profile image
be_different in reply to Fizz37

My OTD is tomorrow, but I’m testing from 2 days and have a faint second line but from Saturday spotting and from yesterday bleeding. I hope that second line is something positive for me 🤞🏻🤞🏻But when you see bleeding 🩸 not spotting you start worrying and you don’t know what to expect but I still have hope ❤️

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Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to be_different

🤞 For you ❤️ i had faint lines up till 10dp then got strong ones then had to get my hcg levels done. The bleeding is so scary xx

be_different profile image
be_different in reply to Chelsea289

Thanks 🙏❤️ Yeah, it is 🙈 We will see tomorrow, I hope they’ll check my hcg level asap. All the best for you ❤️

Sweethear profile image

Hi please try to relax ok. I had the same bleeding with clots at about 6 weeks plus it looks very similar to your picture but mine stopt in less than an hour I then went on having Brown / black spotting for days I went to the doctor that same day did a scan and everything was ok I was put on a total bed rest with extra medication with weekly monitoring scan for weeks because I was sooo scared and a high risk pregnancy I was 39 years old and had have 3 miscarriages before this pregnancy thankfully I went on and have a healthy baby girl at 37.3weeks she is 2.4 years old now.

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Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to Sweethear

Thank you its back to brown today. I have a scan tomorrow so hopefully everything be ok xxx

Sweethear profile image
Sweethear in reply to Chelsea289

That sand good try to rest as much as possible don’t do any housework just relax I no is not easy but try before you know it tomorrow will be here and you can no more on what is going on

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to Sweethear

Thank you. Xxx

Sweethear profile image
Sweethear in reply to Chelsea289

Good evening, how are you and how did your scan go today? Thinking about you hope all went well

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to Sweethear

Hiya yes all went well measuring the right date an stuff thank you xx

Sweethear profile image
Sweethear in reply to Chelsea289

Thank God am happy for you please take care and try to relax have a beautiful pregnancy

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to Sweethear

Thank you so much xxxx

Mazzath1 profile image

I had this. I also had bleeding all through my pregnancy. I have now. Two beautiful babies 9 months old. Not always the end when you bleed..some women unfortunately do bleed. Try stay relaxed..I know its hard. Xxx

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to Mazzath1

Aw thank you & congratulations ❤️

Vhee profile image

I had 2 series of this bleeding too. One at 7 weeks and the other at 10 weeks. The second bleeding was so bad with big clots that we just concluded we had lost at least one of the babies (currently 34 weeks pregnant with twins) Just relax you will be needing all the bed rest you can get now. I was told by my doc that bleeding in the early stages of ivf pregnancy is a normal occurrence especially in women with existing fibroid.

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to Vhee

Aw congratulations thank you it so scary hopefully my scan ok tomorrow xx

winniep profile image

Stay positive, don’t entertain any negative thoughts in your mind. Just believe your baby is fine and think about what an amazing mum you’ll be. Praying for you. 🙏🏾

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to winniep

Aw thank you so much ❤️❤️

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