How long does it take to bleed when h... - Fertility Network UK

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How long does it take to bleed when having a miscarriage?

Daxie24 profile image
34 Replies

I write this with such a heavy heart. After our first ever BFP in January and then finding out that our single embryo had split and we were to be expecting twins we were over the moon with joy. Then on Monday, at my 8 week scan we got the devastating news that both my babies heartbeats had stopped 😢

I was told to contact the early pregnancy unit and have an appointment with them tomorrow which they said if I hadn't had a bleed by then they would assist the miscarriage. My question is how long does it usually take to happen naturally as I would pefer this option as tbh the medical options scare me a little! I was on quite alot of progesterone support so guess its going to take a little while for my levels to come back down.

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Daxie24 profile image
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34 Replies
Zebedee1971 profile image

For me, it was 6/7 weeks.

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to Zebedee1971


Lovemylion profile image

Firstly, I am so sorry you are going through this. I found out at 7 weeks. I think I was only 5w4d when it stopped growing. I stopped the progesterone and it happened the next day. It might take some time for it to happen naturally or it could happen pretty quickly. No way to tell really. I hope it does happen naturally and quickly for you. Lots of ladies on here have had some sort of medical management or help to hurry things along and I'm sure they can give you there stories and advice. Big hugs. Xxxx

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to Lovemylion

Sorry for your loss too. Thank you for replying xx

JustAGirl21 profile image

Sorry to hear this. When I’ve stopped the progesterone the miscarriage has happened naturally for me after a few days. Give it a week before you decide what to do x

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to JustAGirl21

I'm sorry for your loss too. Its been over a week now but still nothing 😔

JustAGirl21 profile image
JustAGirl21 in reply to Daxie24

Thank you. I guess you could contact the early pregnancy unit and start the ball rolling.. and in the meantime hope it happens itself in the next few days. 😔

Im so sorry Daxie. This is such an unfair and devastating journey. I think mine happened in one week (otherwise they would have given me medication to induce it). Mine stopped growing at 6.1 though and mmc detected at 8 weeks.

Im not sure if i would have waited past that week because its a very dark time. Hope that helps x

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to

Its just horrible isn't it. One minute I'm fine next minute I can't seem to stop crying. I'm sorry you have had to go through it too. Xx

in reply to Daxie24

Long warm baths/ showers and take it easy lovely. Be kind to yourselves. I promise it will pass. Better days are ahead of us ❤️

XOXO13 profile image

So sorry you’re going through this 💔

I found out at 12+5 that baby had died, and I then started to bleed at 13+1. It was like my body and mind had finally caught up with what had happened. Once I started bleeding, it all happened pretty quickly. I was scheduled for a D&C the same morning I passed everything at home but I still had the surgery to make sure my miscarriage was “complete” (sorry, I hate the use of that word in this context..).

I’m glad I had the surgery however, as I also wanted to be sure myself that it was physically over so that I could start to heal and move on. After the surgery, I bled for a further 9 days I think, but lightly and I had minimal cramping afterwards.

I hope it happens naturally and quickly for you too. Sending you so much strength during this time 🤍 xx

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to XOXO13

I'm so sorry you have had to go through this too. I know what you mean I just want it to happen now so I can start to heal physically and mentally xxx

Peanutchips profile image

Oh Daxie, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I found out at 7 weeks and then another scan at 8 weeks to be sure. I didn’t want to wait too long so when things didn’t happen after about 5 days I opted for medical management. If you end up going down that route and have any questions, my inbox is open xxx

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to Peanutchips

Thank you for your reply. Its such a hard journey this isn't it. Sorry for your loss too. Xx

Hello.I heard that it might even take up to two months or more for natural bleeding.

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to

O gosh I don't think o could wait 2 months!

BBHH1 profile image

Sorry to hear :(

It can take many weeks, but most agree it’s safe to wait 2 weeks.

Missed miscarriage can probably resolve on its own in 50% of the time.

If you need to do a curettage it will probably be ok as when it’s early the doctors can be less aggressive and use soft suction instead of metals to evacuate the uterus. So less changes of complications now or in the future for you next pregnancy that will come!

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to BBHH1

Thank you for your reply. Xx

BBHH1 profile image

Also you can think of doing genetic testing of the babies for chromosomal abnormalities as part of the investigation

I’m so sorry this has happened. I had a non viable pregnancy (blighted ovum) and I found out at 7.5 weeks but it took another 2 weeks before it naturally came away. I hope it happens quickly for you. Sending love and strength your way x

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to

I'm sorry this has happened to you too. Its hard isn't it xx

in reply to Daxie24

It definitely is. Just make sure you take enough time to heal and don’t rush back to work. Xx

LCharlton profile image

So so sorry you're going through this. Everyone is so different in how long their body takes to clear the unviable pregnancy - my miscarriage also at around 7/8 weeks happened before the heartbeat had even stopped (at least, I had a scan and the heartbeat was strong and I miscarried 6 hours later!) Having been through it naturally at around the same stage as you, my feedback would be don't be scared of the medical options - to be brutally honest it's no picnic whatever happens, it would have been really useful to have some medical-grade painkillers available rather than trying to get through with paracetamol and a hot water bottle. If I had to do it again and I had a choice, I would either go for the surgical option or take the medication to induce it and ask for some strong painkillers. "Natural" is a good idea for food, but in this situation I think you want to take full advantage of modern medical science, that's my opinion anyway! Sending you huge hugs xx

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to LCharlton

Sending you love and hugs too. Difficult situation with Difficult decisions. Xx

poppiek profile image

I’m so sorry for your loss x I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks, from starting spotting to the actual miscarriage took about 5 days for me. But I wasn’t on progesterone supplements ( not sure if that meant it took a longer or shorter time). Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to poppiek

Sorry for your loss too xx

Lots8788 profile image

So sorry to hear this. I had a blighted ovum,three sacs. We found out on 5 Dec 2019 and then miscarriage started 20 December and finished 17 January. I tried to wait for it to happen naturally and it did to some extent but there was 1 sac that wouldn't go so then had two lots of medical management as didn't respond to the 1st lot. Big big hugs to you. Here if you want to chat xx

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to Lots8788

O gosh that's a long time for it to be going on. Sending love and hugs to you too xx

Lots8788 profile image
Lots8788 in reply to Daxie24

Thanks so much hun. Definitely take the time you need and only you know how much time that is - don't be pressurised into what you think you "should" do or how long you "should" take off work, if anything. Do what is right for you. I continued working through most of it which in hindsight wasn't the best decision for me personally but I made the best decision I could at the time. I then ended up taking about 5 weeks off in Feb/March once it had all sunk in!! Never normally take any time off sick but glad I did. Big big hugs xx I know there's nothing any of us can do to give you the outcome you want and stop it from happening but we are all here to support you as best as we can and here to listen xx

Libsie3103 profile image

I’m so sorry to hear this - we lost twins somewhere between 7.5 weeks and 9.5 weeks. We’d seen their heartbeats and although they told us to prepare ourselves that we might loose one we never imagined for a second we’d loose both babies. It took us a week to get seen at the EPU and I stopped the progesterone straight away but nothing happened. Everyone is different so you may respond quicker. We opted for a D&C as it was twins and we were quite far along, the EPU will talk through options. I also found it really helpful to talk to people who’d gone through the different options - helped me decide on the D&C. Look after yourself and give yourself the time you need, it’s devastating and you need time to grieve and be looked after. If you ever want to talk please let me know as I’d be happy to xxx

Daxie24 profile image
Daxie24 in reply to Libsie3103

I'm so sorry. Its heart breaking isn't it. From being told we were having identical twins then two weeks later that they no longer had a heart beat is just terrible. I went to the hospital yesterday but I didn't find them very useful. Just scanned me again and asked me to pick an 'option' but without really explaining them to me. I came home still feeling confused with what to do. 😔

Libsie3103 profile image
Libsie3103 in reply to Daxie24

I’m so sorry. It’s so hard. I found the same but it was talking to others who’ve been through it that helped me make my decision. Like I said though that was pre Covid and I’m not sure how it would have changed now. Very happy to PM you with more insight as to why I did what I did if that would help but if not that’s totally fine. Take care Hun xx

namster profile image

I am so sorry that you are going through this. I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks after a successful FET in Oct. my bleeding had started a week after my meds were stopped. I have also had a D&C for an earlier miscarriage at 8 weeks. It's not an easy process either way but with D&C I had no bleeding or cramping after while the bleeding continued on and off for few weeks when I miscarried naturally. Sending you strength and prayers.

Sammy246 profile image

I'm so sorry to read this. I had to have mmc as I didnt naturally start bleeding. Hope you have a strong support system xx

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