Hi sorry to ask such a sensitive question but how long should I expect to bleed for after a miscarriage? We had an 8 week scan on Tuesday that showed no heartbeat (and probably stopped developing last week) so my meds were stopped, I started cramping and passing large blood clots early hours of this morning 😪 would just be nice to know how long to expect it to take x
Bleeding post miscarriage : Hi sorry to... - Fertility Network UK
Bleeding post miscarriage

I am so sorry for your loss. I miscarried at 8 weeks in June and bled for about 2 weeks. I bled heavily for the first few days and passed what looked like the sac etc along with large clots 2 or 3 days after I started bleeding. Hope you have got everything you need to make it as comfortable as possible. Thinking of you xx
Thanks for your reply Lou and I’m so sorry for loss 💔 oh god I was naively thinking it would only last a few days!😩x
It may well be less for you. My friend also had a miscarriage this year and she bled for a few days only. I guess everyone is different. Will keep my fingers crossed that yours will be over with quickly. It’s such an incredibly upsetting experience, hope you’ve got support around you. Take care xx
Hi there, I, too am so sorry for your loss. I was just under 7 weeks and miscarried and I bled for about ten days. Certainly first few days very heavy... you will get through this. But I feel for you.
Big hugs SuzyL123 x
So sorry for your loss. I've bled for two weeks with mine (all 5-6 weeks). The first week being very heavy. Stay strong x
I miscarriage this time last year at the same weeks as you 😢. It’s a really hard time and please give yourself a lot of TLC, it is draining on the body and mind. The first few days were the worst and I bleed for about another week. You might find your next period is also a little different.
Thank you for replying and sorry for your loss! Did you go onto have another cycle after?x
Thank you, looking back I should of taken some time out but carried on. We haven’t gone down the IVF route yet. Trying other options before that is explored in a few months 😬
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have had two losses at around the 6 week mark. I bled for 12 days both times - the first few days were quite difficult and I passed large clots. Everyone reacts differently. Sending you love and hugs at this difficult time, please do look after yourself xxx
Thank you, luckily I’m on annual leave this week so just taking it easy and being looked after by my husband! I’m so sorry for your losses, is it common with ivf for it to happen more?x
I'm glad you are on leave and taking it easy. I don't think losses are necessarily more common with IVF...it really all depends on your age, the quality of your eggs and the quality of the sperm. I'm 33 with an average AMH level (no known fertility problem, just in a same-sex relationship). My understanding is that the closer you get to 35, the more likely you are to produce chromosomally abnormal embryos (I think the statistic is 50% of blastocysts at that age will be abnormal, meaning a higher chance of having a miscarriage). So perhaps, due to this, it is more likely. However, the fact that your embryo implanted and your body did as much as it could is a really promising sign and means you have a higher likelihood of it working next time around. Keep pushing forward, you will get there xxx
Our blastocyst was grade 5AA so they thought it had a good chance, the fertility issues are with my husbands sperm but I’m nearly 38 and I’m so aware every time we have a set back that I’m creeping closer to 40 and my chances of carrying to full term are getting less! I think the frustration of how long everything takes is what makes the heartbreak harder!x
My two transfers to date were both A grades but still ended in miscarriages. My understanding is that the grading doesn't indicate anything about chromosomal normality/abnormality (only PGS testing can indicate this)...but yes, obviously if it has a good grading it may be more likely to be viable. My friend just had two grade C's transferred after previous failures and both have taken, so you never know! I completely understand re the length of time everything takes. The injections and physical pain are easy; it's the waiting that is unbearable. I hope you are able to get moving again ASAP. Sending love and hugs xxx
It is never easy I’m heading to the doctor this morning I had some bleeding and clots the other night I’m still praying my baby is alive I’m also praying for you I had a miss carriage earlier this year I don’t think my heart can take another one
Ahhh no Taylor I’m sorry to hear this, I really hope everything is ok on the scan and your baby is still there safe and well!x
Sorry for your loss. Bled for about 2 weeks during mine. I was placed on Ibuprofen 400mg for the first few days due to pain and heavy bleeding.
Hi girls, I’m hoping one of you can give me some advice as my clinic were a bit useless!As you know I started bleeding 2 weeks ago, really heavy at first and then has gradually got less until a few days ago when I started passing really large amounts of pinky brown discharge, is this normal or should I be worried there’s still something in there causing an infection?😞x