Hi I’m in the few days before my transfer on Tuesday and have been taking the cyclogest pellets as described but seem to be having loose stools since I started them, has anyone else experienced this as a side effect and is there anything I can do to prevent it?
Advice re Cyclogest please: Hi I’m in... - Fertility Network UK
Advice re Cyclogest please

I have had cyclogest for all my cycles and used them rectally... One of the side affects of rectal use is diarrhoea. I had it on and off whilst taking. Hope that helps xx

Hi Charlie
Yes thanks that did help as it’s reassuring to know it’s normal. Whereabouts on your cycle are you at the mo?
I'm due to start our last cycle beginning of year but have had 2 fresh cycles and a frozen. Have had cyclogest throughout alongside other progesterone x

Sorry to jump in but what are the pros and cons of taking it vaginally versus rectally? X
Vaginally is very messy, you have to wear panty liner as get lots of white milky discharge and have to lay flat for 30 mins after insertion.. Rectally is much easier, no discharge etc but increased flatulence and maybe diarrhoea. Hope this helps xx

Hi Charlie
Best of luck with your last cycle and hope you get a good result and thanks for putting my mind at rest x
Hi Miaow, I’ve been using them rectally and have been having loose stools on and off.. I don’t know how to prevent it to be honest x