Positive HCG test, then bleeding... h... - Fertility Network UK

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Positive HCG test, then bleeding... help!

CE30 profile image
12 Replies

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Hello everyone,

This is my first time posting on a forum but I frequently read them when agonising during the dreaded tww.

This might be a bit long winded so I’ll try and make sense...

I have just completed my first round of IVF, I am currently 10dp5dt. The clinic told me to do a urine test on 13dp5dt. However, I am a very impatient person and I could not wait. I heard from a friend who recently had successful IVF that she had a blood test at 8days and so I decided to do a private blood test on Monday.

However, later that day and on Tuesday I had period cramps and heavier bleeding. I had been bleeding since 3dp5dt, even though I am taking progesterone support - which I have called the clinic for advice on and they said that could happen. Anyway, when I felt like period started yesterday I burst into tears and thought IVF had been unsuccessful. I called the clinic and they said to continue taking meds and to do test on Saturday.

Fast forward to Wednesday evening and had accepted IVF wasn’t successful, when I get the results from my blood test which picked up levels of HCG at 10.5 on Monday. I thought because of the bleeding I must be having a chemical pregnancy, but did a urine test and that came back with very faint positive too, which would indicate that HCG had increased wouldn’t it? Was a cheapie test so I know they aren’t that sensitive.

So now my head is a mess. Has anyone else been through this and experience positive HCG with what feels like a period afterwards and gone on to have successful pregnancy?

Sorry for the essay. I don’t know what to think. I’m not allowing myself to get excited as I know there is a chance this is a chemical. I know I wouldn’t advise anyone to test early and I’ve made the situation more confusing for myself, but how often do we listen to our own advice?

Thank you so much in advance. I really appreciate advice, good and bad. I want to be realistic. First time IVF success would be lucky I know 🍀

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CE30 profile image
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12 Replies
fay2399 profile image

I think you get your period when hcg is 0, hope it goes well ❤️

Lisichka profile image

Hi there

I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this agony , I’ve been there myself twice!!

Unfortunately it does sound like a chemical pregnancy, I’m sorry to say. At 10dp5dt you’d be hoping for hcg in the 50s. Plus all the bleeding isn’t a good sign. However, miracles do happen so wait for your clinic’s blood draw and see what the number is. Also, buy a first response 6 days early test and test with it because it’s very sensitive compared to the cheap ones and clear blue at this point.

It is very concerning that you started bleeding from 3dp5dt, it’s way too early and could be a sign of low progesterone. If this cycle is unsuccessful review it with your doctor and insist on more progesterone and insist on testing it day before transfer. You shouldn’t bleed this early on!

I’m sorry that you’re going through this hell, it’s just rubbish. Let me know how you get on xxxx

CE30 profile image
CE30 in reply to Lisichka

Thank you so much for taking the time to response. I still have to do a urine pregnancy test on Saturday for the clinic (that’s the only advice they have given me 😔) but I’ve booked a blood test with my GP on Monday. Am expecting it’s a chemical as still bleeding but would like an answer either way. I’m gutted and concerned about the progesterone as I called the clinic on 3dp5dt to talk about the bleeding and they just said “it happens sometimes”. But bleeding has just got progressively worse so when we review this cycle I will bring it up. Thank you. Hopefully we will be able to make the changes to the next cycle to help. I’ll let you know how I go next week! Xxx

CE30 profile image
CE30 in reply to Lisichka

Also so sorry you have been through this twice 😔 did you manage to get progesterone support and did that help in your case? Xx

Lisichka profile image
Lisichka in reply to CE30

I think it has finally been sorted this cycle (5th one!). Being on pessaries just wasn’t enough for me. I ended up doing progesterone in oil injections which has finally got it sorted.

CE30 profile image
CE30 in reply to Lisichka

Hi, so a little update. I had a blood test on Monday which came back at HCG 214... so my head is scrambled! I’ve called the clinic and they suspect ectopic if my HCG levels continue to rise because of the bleeding I’m still experiencing. I have another blood test tomorrow. Thanks for your support! Xx

in reply to CE30

Oh I pray its not a ectopic ! Fingers crossed for u hun x

CE30 profile image
CE30 in reply to

Thank you.m for your message. I know miracles can happen. With the bleeding I am prepared for bad news but that doesn’t stop me holding on to that glimmer of hope.. it’s going to be a long few weeks till early scan. And I’m getting married on Tuesday. This is going to be a test of my strength for sure! Even with ectopic, I know there are potentially serious outcomes but I feel one step closer to future pregnancy. This little blastocyst is trying so hard to make me a mummy 😢 xx

Lisichka profile image
Lisichka in reply to CE30

Oh wow! So how many days past transfer are you now? And are you still bleeding like a period bleeding? What a journey!

Maybe things will turn out ok, you had a big rise in hcg but bleeding is concerning

CE30 profile image
CE30 in reply to Lisichka

Hello, i am now 17days post transfer but blood test was 15days. Getting one tomorrow which will be 18 days so that should give us more of an idea. If it’s still gone up I have early scan the week after next (6weeks) as they suspect ectopic.. it’s a rollercoaster! But I just have to sit and wait and be proud of my blastocyst for trying it’s best ❤️ Xxx

Lisichka profile image
Lisichka in reply to CE30

Definitely a rollercoaster!! Day 18 increase will be the best indicator. Maybe it’ll still work out so keep the faith! Hcg is on the lower side but there are plenty of people that have had lower numbers that then quadrupled and have gone on to have viable pregnancies. I really feel for you as I know how to tough it is to be in the limbo. Keep me posted as to how you’re getting on.

My very first transfer, the hcg was 186 at 15dp5dt then went up to 510 on 18dp5dt and the clinic were happy with it. At the 7 week scan however it showed a missed miscarriage, the embryo stopped developing.

It’s good that you’re getting the scan done at week 6, you should have a better indication of where things are at.

Keep up the faith, your little blast is a fighter!🌺💞

CE30 profile image
CE30 in reply to Lisichka

Ah I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so tough to have your hopes and dreams taken away.

I am prepared for that outcome also, I’m just so pleased that my partner will be allowed to come in for the scan with me. I couldn’t cope if I had to be alone!

I have my fingers crossed but also realistic in terms of it’s obvious that bleeding isn’t the best sign.

I will keep you posted on progress and glad I have a scan at week 6 so we can at least finally know what’s going on 🤞

I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. Xxx

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