Hi there
I am extremely anxious that I'm facing a Chemical pregnancy. I had a 3 day embryo transfer of a good quality 8-cell embryo and a 4 - cell embryo. Test day was Monday however we did a first response test Sunday evening which was a faint positive. The test day Monday (0315 as couldnt hold pee!) Was negative. The clinic said to do a clear blue the next day so Tuesday morning digital test said pregnant!. The clinic said to do another of their test Thursday which came up faint positive and another clear blue on Friday also very faint!!! Bloods taken on Wednesday showed HCG was only 28!!! I was 16dp3dt! I had further blood test on Friday and have to waiti until Monday for the results! I would have been 5 weeks pregnant on Friday and breast tenderness has disappeared and i dont feel pregnant. Ive had no bleeding or spotting or discharge either!
Has anyone else been in this situation and what was the outcome? If chemical pregnancy did you bleed before coming off the progesterone pessaries? The picture is the Thursday test (3 days after original tedt day so about 4 weeks 6 days pregnant!)