A little (quite) worried while waitin... - Fertility Network UK

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A little (quite) worried while waiting for six weeks- BFP before recommended pregancy test date and BFP on pregnancy test date

stephanienissim profile image
16 Replies

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So I started testing to see whether I was pregnant 3 days before my recommended test date of Wednesday this week- meaning I tested on Sunday because I just could not . Since then, I have tested everyday afterwards maybe to convince myself that my eyes were not decieving me lol (joking)- but really it was to convince myself that the pregnancy has not gone away. I worry about the viability of the pregnancy- I just worry and some mornings or sometimes some afternoon I check to see whether it is still there- I feel I worry about the possibility of a chemical pregnancy.

Does anyone have information on chemical pregnancies? Does anyone know how to get a pregnancy blood test on the NHS to check if the hcg and progesterone levels of the pregnancy is accurate? Does anyone know how to get the early scan on the nhs? I have also not had pregnancy symptoms, so should I be worried?

I had my ivf privately paid for, abroad. I do not think it is wise to travel abroad again just to have a hcg blood pregnancy test and scan.

Any advice on how to reduce the worry will help. I have attached picture of some of the pregnancy test I did everyday since Sunday.

Thanks everyone for your support and good luck lovely ladies.


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stephanienissim profile image
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16 Replies
Sprinkles86 profile image

Totally understand the worry! The last two of my miscarriages were classed as chemical pregnancies, with bleeding starting around the 5.5/6 week mark. If you're really worried, book in with your gp and explain the situation and how worried you are. If after some begging they won't send you for a scan or blood tests, you can always have them done privately, or have an online company send you a finger prick test to do yourself at home. Medichecks.com do one for £49, beta hcg (quantitative) is the one you would need. You'd need to do two, two to three days apart to see if your levels are doubling as they should be xxx

stephanienissim profile image
stephanienissim in reply to Sprinkles86

Oh thanks loads. I went to my doctor yesterdau for a check. Told things are fine so far. The early pregnancy unit said their protocol for early pregnancy did not involve an early hcg blood test and that urine test was fine. They also said it was better I waited for my six weeks scan as earlier scan will not show much. Good luck on your journey xxxx

Alice_W123 profile image

Just calm down.

The absence of pregnancy symptoms is normal (for a lot of pregnant women).

You can make "hcg blood pregnancy test and scan" at nearest clinic, just call them an ask about it.

As for now take my congratulations.

All should be fine.

stephanienissim profile image
stephanienissim in reply to Alice_W123

Thank you loads. I am working on enjoying things and worrying less or better put- I am working on not worrying at all and just enjoying being pregnant and enjoying life- lol. Good luck on your journey xxxx

ch319 profile image

Don't know about early scans for NHS but look up baby bond. A lovely lady on here recommended them to me. They do private scans and loads of other things. We have been back serveral times and they were fab.

I also had next to no pregnancy symptoms that early on. I had very sore bbs which I put down to hormones but I guess in reflection it may have been a symptom but I certainly didn't recognise it as such at the time. Xx

stephanienissim profile image
stephanienissim in reply to ch319

Thanks. I will try not to worry- it feels draining. I will learn to just enjoy the goodnews and avoid worrying. My 6 weeks scan is now booked I am looking forward to it xxx

ch319 profile image
ch319 in reply to stephanienissim

Exciting. When is it?

Tugsgirl profile image

I understand your need to test everyday. I got a bfp on my last cycle on otd and ended up testing everyday despite vowing I would never be that person. I had beautiful strong lines on every test (after the first few days when they'd started off light). We had our 6 week scan and saw the heartbeat, all was well but I carried on testing, right up until the day before our 8 week scan. Still two strong lines. Every test gave me relief. However at the scan they revealed our baby had passed away. We were devastated. I'm not telling you this to scare you, I'm telling you this in the hopes that you don't get hung up on testing like I did. The tests were obviously no indication that everything was well with our baby. You are pregnant. Please try to relax (I know it's really hard) and enjoy this stage. Congratulations xx

stephanienissim profile image
stephanienissim in reply to Tugsgirl

Oh dear, I am so sorry- hope you were able to cope. Yes with each test I felt relief, it felt like an addiction. I am trying to stop it now. Saw the doctor yesterday because I was so worried. We have tried for so long, I want things to go well. Did they tell you what happened to your baby and wht it happened? xxxxxxxx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to stephanienissim

It just stopped growing and there was no longer a heartbeat at our 8 week scan. No explanation other than that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. This was in April. I had surgery to take my pregnancy away and still I was getting positive tests for about a week afterwards. Obviously we were devastated at the time and I still get upset but everyday gets a little easier. We'll be doing round 3 (fet no.2) in a few weeks xx

stephanienissim profile image
stephanienissim in reply to Tugsgirl

Good luck xxxx

London7 profile image

I completely get the fear - I have it too. I've got a scan booked in on the 21st when I will be 7.5 weeks - my clinic said there really isn't anything much to see before then so a scan before then could cause more worry than it will do good. You could book a private one for around then too. But otherwise I think we just have to manage the stress. We can't stop a chemical pregnancy, a HPT won't tell us whether we have had one most of the time, and there is just nothing we can do. But I totally get where you are coming from as I'm there too. After struggling for so long to get that BFP I feel deep down that it is just bound to now be taken away from me. I don't know how to control that fear - I just know we have to. X

danysh13 profile image

Don't worry dear. Your test showed a positive result so keep positive about it.

I suppose you have to consult your local clinic whether they do early scans. What about your doctor? What he told?

Rosalietea profile image

I think it's very easy to get hung up on testing but as others have said it's not always indicative that everything is fine. Nothing can tell you that especially in the very early stages. Your HCG levels would remain high and tests will says your pregnancy even if the embryo is in decline. It's just another challenging time which is a case of wait and wait some more. Only time will tell. Every woman who has a pregnancy worries, it's normal and I think we here worry more because it's already been such a worry filled journey to get to this point. Have faith in your strong little one. It's got this far. Have you tried any relaxation techniques or mindfulness? I'd recommend headspace app and the Zita West relaxations. I've found them very calming at times.

Keeping everything crossed for you x

Tara123 profile image

Hey hun first of congratulations 😊 I suffered a chemical pregnancy just a little over a month ago I started bleeding quite early but it wasn't allot I went to my clinic and they said it could be implanting...which it did implant but didn't stop bleeding I was testing from day 8 transfere and they were all possitive I had sore boobs really sore and like I said possitive tests but on the day b4 I was actually due to take a test I had major period cramps and bleeding really heavy I just knew something was wrong my stomach continue to hurt all night really hurt in my hip the lot...i had a blood test after BFN bfn on my actual test day so .t clinic done a blood test and my hcg was then a 4 so the pregnancy wouldn't continue...by reading urs it all sound very possive so keep possitive and enjoy it 😊 maybe no symptoms is a good sign as I had all the symptoms and ended quicker than it started...got everything crossed for u hun but I'm sure u be fine xx

stephanienissim profile image
stephanienissim in reply to Tara123

Oh thanks dear so much. Good luck on your journey xxxx

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