I‘m looking for any advise please, I was due to test on Wednesday but started spotting Monday I did a test which was negative also felt like my period was coming. Spoke to the clinic next day who said still test on Wednesday. To my suprise it was positive I did two tests…. I was still spotting but over the last 24 hours I’ve started bleeding, sorry to be crude but it’s bright red so think it’s a chemical pregnancy. I’m upset & emotional after this happening, it’s my first IVF fresh transfer 🥲x
positive test but now bleeding - Fertility Network UK
positive test but now bleeding

Have you been back in touch with your clinic/nurse ? Make sure have people around you for support
Sending a big hug - thinking of you
hello, so sorry you’re going through this. I would keep testing to check whether the line has faded or gone darker. If it fades then it’s sadly a chemical, but if it gets darker then I would ring the clinic to get an hcg blood test and progesterone test as it may be a case of low progesterone. Thinking of you xx
Thanks for your advise, I did a test this morning still positive darker then yesterday but I’m still bleeding to me the embryo has gone 🥲! The clinic confirmed I should test next week & carry on with my meds. They don’t offer HCG as I ask the other day, should I maybe try the GP xx
I think you should ring the GP and see if your local EPU can do bloods for you to check HCG and progesterone. Please don’t worry just yet - so long as the tests are darker then you still have a chance xx
is it a full flow? I bled in my first trimester - bright red with cramps. At 7 week scan showed a haemotoma . Sometimes bleeding doesn’t mean the worst. Holding out hope for you 🙏
hi I’m so sorry you are going through this I personally know the worry and stress it can cause and I’m thinking of you! I’ve had this happen twice once was a chemical pregnancy and once was my little boy so it really can go either way so yoj are right to prepare for the worst but still have a little bit of hope. My clinic don’t do HCG as standard either but made an exception due to the bleeding both times which helped show what was going on. I had to hound them a little …if not the clinic maybe try the GP or local pregnancy unit. There’s not really anything they can do to change the outcome but can help you know what’s going on. Sending love 💜 xx
Thanks for your kind words, I’ve got no hope now as I’ve started with cramps this morning, plus flow is like a full period. How bad was your bleeding ❤️xx
Oh no 😢 the bleeding was quite bad with huge clots on my successful round, although I didn’t have many cramps except when passing a clot which was different from my chemical where the cramps were really bad like a bad period. When the clearblue digital went to not pregnant that’s when I knew it was a chemical (on successful the digital weeks indicator kept rising) thinking of you xx
I hope Ur ok I had the same 48 hours ago it's a horrible feeling keeping fingers crossed for you xx
Thanks for asking, hope your doing okay? Im hoping the bleeding with stop soon as it’s been over 24 hours now. 🤞🏼for us both xx
I'm sorry you're going through this. Just continue with your meds. Can they possibly get you in for a blood test, and then another 48 hours later? That can usually tell you if the pregnancy is continuing or not. xo
Yeah I’ve spoken to the clinic yesterday I’m carrying on my meds but I’m just waiting it out as blood tests won’t stop the loss. I’m just hoping the bleeding will stop soon xx
Yes, however the blood results can tell you if the pregnancy has stopped or not. It could give you some peace of mind, or help you come to terms with bad news instead of being in limbo.
Thanks for your kind words but I know in my heart the embryo has gone. Plus my clinic doesn’t offer the blood test, if the flow was less I would have maybe spoke to my GP but it’s still heavy
You really should not go with a gut or "heart" feeling on these things love. But if you don't want to find out, you don't have to. However if you are pregnant—and your two tests were positive!—being reassured by the blood test could save you a lot of unnecessary stress. I would once again urge you to get your HCG blood test run so you can know if you are miscarrying or not. The blood could be happening for a number of reasons. Since you have a positive test, do NOT stop taking your meds just because you feel it is negative. I "knew in my heart" that this last round of IVF for me did not work because of how I was feeling, but now I am nearly 6 weeks pregnant. xo
Hello Dragon80, I am so sorry to hear your going through this. The same thing happened to me just this week. I had fresh ivf transfer. I got a positive and negative on my official test date. Had blood test at the hospital later that day (on Friday) with results on Tuesday just gone. Confirmed pregnancy but low hcg. Tues eve I started bleeding which was a shock because i wasnt told that was going to happen.
Had scan today and confirmed it was a chemical pregnancy which I hadn't heard of. Its very hard. Sending cyber hugs to you and I hope your outcome is different. I have heard of many people bleeding in first 3 months everyone's journey is different and I really do hope yours is xxx
Hey Sparklyone25
Thanks for your kind words, I’m so sorry to hear we’ve been though this. I was the other way round as tested Monday as I started spotting which was negative, then tested Wednesday which was my official test day & shocked it was positive as did two test but then started bleeding later that day so then tested Thursday which was still positive but I’m still bleeding so I’m thinking I’ve lost the embryo. I know I spent most of yesterday crying but family have been supportive.I just want the bleeding to stop. Thinking of you xx
I guess your initial test was too early to show up... thats why they give us an OTD. If done too early it may not show up. The spotting could have been the implantation which is why it then showed up on the date you were meant to test.I honestly think you need to contact your GP first thing in the morning and ask them to do a blood test for you. You need your mind put at ease. Its an emotional time enough without having the stress of not knowing making it worse. If your gp aren't able to help get yourself to the early pregnancy unit at your local hospital. You need to know for your own peace of mind. Please let me know how you get on! If you need anything please feel free to shout xx
I honestly dont understand why TTC and IVF are so difficult to get pregnant when you want it so badly. So many people dont want children and have loads... i just want one... I'm so sad for us all struggling xxx
Awww thanks so much, of course but I’m already in my head that we losing the embryo 😢…. Yeah I thought it was implantation bleeding but then turned to heavier bleeding more like a period.
I might try my doctor on Monday but will probably be to late for blood test as I’ve been bleeding heavier since yesterday.
I know it’s such a hard thing to go though, please try to keep positive 🤞🏼it will happen for both of us xx
Pants sorry I forgot its the weekend... I've lost track of my days this week has been a blur!Keep taking your medication just incase. My best friend blead heavy like you and she found she was expecting twins but one of them made it through so please go see someone when you are able xxx
I’ve spoken to the doctor they can’t refer me at this stage to EPU as they don’t do them at the weekend, she did ring the Gyno ward at hospital who confirmed I’m doing everything right just need to carry on, but I’m still bleeding & no pregnancy symptoms so it’s a miscarriage as I’ve been going like this now for at least 48 hours 😢x
Hello, I'm so sorry I've only just seen your last post ! Keep positive and see what they say when you get in there xxx
Hi Dragon,
Just reading your post and all the replies… I’m in a similar boat and almost 6 weeks pregnant but started bleeding yesterday. Still testing positive but know it can take weeks for the hcg to drop low enough to be out of your system.
How are you getting on? Did you go to the doctor for blood tests?
Sending you my best wishes
Lis x
Hey HoneyB11
I’m sorry to hear this, hope the bleeding is not too bad. I stopped bleeding last Sat still spotting for a few days after. I’ve tested again today as clinic asked & both test positive. I’m still really anxious but 🤞🏼, clinic will referred me to the EPU this week as I’ll be 6 weeks.
Have you been referred? Hope this helps x