Everyone around me seems to be having their baby or getting pregnant apart from us 😥. I've had 3 fresh ICSI cycles in the last year and each one seems to be getting worse. I've decided to take a break from it all as it's too much for me. We've been trying naturally since my last cycle in March, but nothing yet 😥. I just feel so low........
😥😥 Feeling so low today: Everyone... - Fertility Network UK
😥😥 Feeling so low today

All I can do is send love and positive thoughts. ❤️❤️ I’m so sorry you’ve been having such a hard time of it. 😞😞 xx
Thank you. That means a lot too. I'm usually a strong person but this just makes me so weak. How are you getting on? It's nice to hear from you, I hope your pregnancy is going well xxx
I’m fine - 31 weeks and counting my blessings every day. We are extremely lucky to be in our situation and at that infertility nearly broke us both. I think the strongest of people are tested to the max when it comes to fertility issues - you’ve been through so much and COVID is probably giving you so much thinking time which can be a nightmare! Never mind not being able to get the same support from your family/friends. Give me a private message if you need a good vent! I totally understand if I’m not the right person given that I’m expecting, but I’ll always lend a listening ear. ❤️ Xx
Hi hun .
I know how u feel but don’t give up yet.
Last year feb we had fresh cycle...grade A+ was transferred and didn’t work 😔
Few months after we had natural frozen cycle and two embryos grade A was put back in ....didn’t work 😔
This year feb we had medicated frozen cycle one embryo grade C was transferred ....didn’t work again 😔
We trying to put things 2gother and is hard but we got only one frostie left grade C so we need to use it due to my age ( 40 in November).
First thing I done over month ago I repeat my AMH which is 6.7 so we all ready had consultations with a doctor (clinic next to me) that done my operation on my tubes 5 years ago . He suggested few things to do and change so we go with his advice now .
On 25th we have a phone call consultation with one of the nurses but we all ready know what we want.
Next month we wanna use us frostie but I want do natural frozen cycle and do endo scratch plus I will ask for extra progesterone.
Hopefully will works this time but if doesn’t we change the clinic to the one next to us .
I know how hard must be for u and your hubby to go through all that but please don’t give up yet . Xx
Sending a huge hug your way from sunny Greece. The battle is hard. I’ve had 6 miscarriages and finally gotten pregnant with my second with major perseverance and it’s hard so hard. Draining, bitter, sad. Keep going as long as you can bear it. The reward is unfathomable.
It’s absolutely natural to feel the way that you do. I feel the same and have been on this journey for a year now. I honestly believe that you can’t give up and when the time is right it will happen.
We had a missed miscarriage with our first attempt and have been on a roller coaster since then. We have one more attempt left and can just hope that it works.
I know it’s not easy but we are stronger then we realise. You got this!
Thank you for your message. I had a chemical in my first attempt, failed implantation on second and then third cycle was the worst! Nothing at all to transfer 😥. I wish you all the best with your last attempt 🤞. Keep us posted xx
I'm in exactly the same spot, so totally understand how you feel. I've failed several rounds of hormone therapy and 2 rounds of IVF. I was incredibly depressed, all those boost up hormones lingering in my body didn't help either. I am now taking a break and trying to gather up the courage and strength to try again. It is actually helping me a lot with the pressure off, but the longing for a baby never goes away. Hope you find your strength as well during the break and smile my lovely....you will get through this.. Xxx
Aww thank you so much. I'm trying really hard not to think about it but it makes it a whole lot worse when someone around you is having their baby or is pregnant. We've tried naturally these last 2 months but nothing yet. I feel so down each month when I start my period. I don't want to be like this but can't help it......xxx
I feel exactly the same way. Every time my period comes, I have a good cry and then try to pick myself up. I try to keep it to myself because I think there is only so much my husband and friends will take from me. It is tough my lovely, I know......and I feel everything you feel...but we are stronger than that... Even when at times we feel like we're not..
I am exactly in the same situation. It is hard watching everyone around me having babies. My friends are not supporting at all. They say they understand But how can they? It is hard everyone expecting you to be strong . It is natural for us to feel emotional often times hopeless. We are only human. We have limit.No one understands the strength it takes to make myself smile everyday. All it takes it the mention of a baby or pregnancy to send me into an ocean of emotions And hopelessness.
My husband is very supportive. It helps a lot. God willing we are going to have another ICSI cycle in September.
I will pray for you and everyone. I hope you feel better. Have a good cry it helps me a lot.
Hugs and kisses
I can really relate to how you are feeling. It’s so easy to say but stay strong. I live in the hope that it will happen one day and I hope the same for you too. It’s hard but keep positive. When are you hoping to restart?
Thank you! Sometimes I'm full of hope and then sometimes I'm not! I'm not sure when I'll go again, might leave it until the end of the year.... I'll see how I feel. I'm just not ready for another cycle just yet. How about you? Xx
I have been on this journey for a long time. I am waiting to plan transfer number 8. It’s hard to be ready and this time was harder than before as I lost my baby at 18 weeks pregnancy. Take your time, you need to get in the right headspace and be physically ready. It’s different for everyone and there’s nothing wrong in waiting until you are ready. Good luck when you get going again xx
Hi. We “just” had one go and ttc ing for 3 years but i wanted to say that i truly admire all that had multiple failed cycles. I send u and everyone who is feeling down and is basically tiered ALOT of RESPECT and LOVE.
You are truly the strongest human beings out there and it gives me strength to continue this journey. ❤️

Thank you that's very kind of you. Best of luck to you too, I hope you get your baby soon 🤞 xx
Completely understand my love. Everyone around us is getting pregnant too. Like you, I've had 3 fresh cycles in the past year (plus a frozen) and we've been trying naturally since March.... just keeping hoping, but sometimes that hope bar drops low and you have to be kind to yourself. Have you played the Sims? I always think of my tiredness, hope, happiness etc. as finite amounts that can be exhausted, and IVF/TTC has a habit of depleting resources dramatically. Sending lots of love and hugs. You will get through this and do whatever you need to to make yourself feel even the slightest bit better in the meantime. This journey.... It's awful. We'll get there. xxx
Aww thank you for the advice and kind words. It's tough going through lots of fresh cycles in a short space of time. I've never had anything to freeze. I barely get one for transfer! Are you planning on having another cycle any time soon? We're thinking to try naturally maybe until the end of the year..... not sure though, we'll see how it goes xx
Starting again in August. I barely got one to transfer on my last cycle. It was very stressful! I'm thinking about moving to a 3 day transfer as to not have anything to transfer would be crushing to me. We've been trying naturally, but we're on a 2 year Access Fertility programme so have to keep going at the moment, and we want to keep going, although each cycle is harder than the last. Best wishes. x
Yeah I completely agree with it being harder with each cycle. My cycles seem to be getting worse each time! I just want my body to rest and recover before trying again. I've given up on taking any supplements as well, nothing has helped so far. We're both taking Pregnacare and that's it! Best of luck to you in Aug. I hope everyone in this struggle get their miracles soon 🤞xx
Totally agree. My best friend is 7 months pregnant. My fiancé’s best friend has just had a baby. Yesterday another close friend text and said she’s pregnant. It’s a bit much for me to be honest
You are not alone. This is my second cycle of FET. I was tested positive after 2 ww, then had bleeding for three days. today I did ultrasound and blood test. My Dr said during the Ultrasound it is a miscarriage. In the afternoon I got call from nurse, saying my dr cannot confirm it is miscarrying yet as the blood test shows HCG 6000. I am asked to do same tests again next monday. It is drainning. So you are not alone. wish all of us best of luckxxx