Another missed miscarriage - losing a... - Fertility Network UK

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Another missed miscarriage - losing all hope

LauraEW profile image
10 Replies

After a long journey (4.5yrs TCC, 2 x ICSI rounds resulting in 1 M/C, 1 chemical pregnancy & 1 BFN) we were excited beyond belief to find we fell pregnant naturally.

Unfortunately we discovered at a private 10week scan on Monday we had had another missed miscarriage. The baby stopped growing just after 8 weeks - this is the exact same thing that happened with our first ICSI pregnancy. We are devastated beyond belief.

We are meeting with our IVF consultant on Friday to discuss next steps from here - medical management, surgery etc.

Has anyone else experienced multiple missed M/C and found out why or gone on to have a success story?

Also I have previously read that having multiple D&C's can have a negative effect on conceiving in the future - has anyone heard of this or have any advice?

Feeling like all the fight has gone in me. 2 steps forward and 10 steps back.

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LauraEW profile image
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10 Replies

I am so sorry for your loss. I have had similar experiences, 2 natural pregnancies both MMC, 4 rounds of ICSI one MMC and one CP. and a few other CPs. I really do know that feeling of being beaten. The fight does come back but I think it takes longer every time

Have you had any repeat Mc bloods? Or any other tests? I think that would be a natural next step

I can’t give you a good news story yet but I just want to say I have had 3 d&cs, one for my first MC and 2 for my second (the first surgery left some tissue) I have had two other d&cs and I have not experienced any negative impacts. I guess there is always a risk with surgery but I think the chances of issues are low

Life is so unfair - sending you hugs and feel free to message me if you have any other questions x

Cinderella5 profile image

Im so sorry for your loss Laura, its so cruel! I dont really have any advice as I havent had to have any intervention when my pregnancies didnt work out but just wanted to send you some love & hugs at this hellish

Peanutchips profile image

Laura, I’m so so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how heartbreaking that must be. Sending you lots of love and strength and hope to keep going when you’re ready. Look after yourself xx

Im so sorry for your loss. I can imagine the pain you going through and wish you healing soon. X look after yourselves

hifer profile image

Hey, I’m so sorry for your loss. We have just had our second MMC too and similar story to you. We had a heartbeat both times and lost it both times. The first time I had a D & C and the second I had an MVA. I have not been advised that there will be any negative effect going forwards and I think it was the only course of action for me anyway. Of course there are risks with any surgery but they are generally very small so I’m sure you will be fine if you go down this route.

I promise it does get better. Every day will eventually get a bit easier and you will get the fight back. I felt exactly like you and was devastated, then kind of fine, then inconsolable, then so sad, then kind of fine etc etc. Every day was a rollercoaster but you will start to even out. Sending you loads of love xx

i know the feeling. It really is heartbreaking. i had 3 natural pregnancies. 2 resulting in miscarriages and 1 being an etopic pregnancy. We decided to get testing done and found out hubby had issues with chromosomes and DNA fragmentations. So we decided to do ivf since we were not willing to keep on trying. While we were going threw the process i had to stop since i developed cyst so i had to go in for an operation to get them removed. We waited 3months and went ahead with the ivf. Hubby went on meds, he was working out and we had to Picsi so they could select the right sperm.We only go 3 follicles. All 3 made it to day 5 blastocyst. We were advised to do pgs testing and out of the 3 there were abnormalities with the one. So we put the 2 in which resulted in my current pregnancy. Im currently 19weeks pregnant. It was not an easy process but i would do it again in a heartbeat.

Hollyhughes profile image

Hi Laura, I’m so sorry to hear this. Having had 3 recurrent miscarriages I feel your pain and understand the heartache and the loss of hope you are feeling. However, my story is one with a happy ending that may bring you some hope during a time when I know it feels like there is none. My first miscarriage was July 2017, i fell pregnant again naturally shortly after but miscarried again in November 2017. I had tests done at that point and found out I had obstetric APS (anti phospholipid syndrome) which was likely to have caused the miscarriages. I fell pregnant again and was put onto clexane and aspirin but unfortunately lost again in January 2019 - all were missed miscarriages between 8-9 weeks. I had a D&C for this one and tests of the foetus showed a little girl who had Turner syndrome. Subsequent genetic tests on my husband and I came back fine and the specialist advised it was a one off occurrence. We decided to give it one more go (I was 38 at this point) but to do everything possible over 6 months before ttc to improve our chances. I had additional private tests done which revealed low AMH (so natural was our only option), aggressive natural killer cells and high FSH - with one insensitive doctor suggesting I was heading for early menopause - so in addition to the APS I had a lot going against me. Never the less I embarked on a 6 month plan which included adjusting my diet and exercise routine to get into the best possible condition. I had fertility acupuncture every other week (If you are London based I can highly recommend Hannah pearn who was amazing) and consulted every month with Naava Carmen at the fertility support company - who is a very well regarded fertility specialist (def recommend looking her up) she tailored herbal mixtures according to my health concerns (ie sticky blood, high fsh, getting hormone profile , egg quality and thyroid to a good level etc) each month which I took for 4 months prior to ttc, I took regular blood tests via medichecks to monitor everything and pleasingly saw my fsh come right down, my tsh and pretty much all my hormones come into normal range and vitamin and iron profile improve. I also took folate, vit D, uniquinol, magnesium, omega 3 oil and probiotics supplements. I fell pregnant in September 2019 and was put on clexane, aspirin, cyclogest and prednisolone (for the high NK cells) straight away. I upped my accupuncture sessions to weekly when possible and Naava prescribed tailored herbs to support through first trimester. An anxiety filled time but I started to feel a bit more hope once I passed the dreaded 9 week stage, helped by being under the recurrent miscarriage clinic at St Mary’s in Paddington who were amazing and scanned me every two weeks from 6-12 weeks which was nerve wracking but reassuring too. I came off the cyclogest and weaned off the steroids in the second trimester but stayed on the clexane and aspirin throughout.

As I write I am cuddling my 3 week old son and am so so glad that I carried on fighting. Against high stacked odds it can still happen so please don’t give up hope. Sending lots of love to you and your partner and feel free to message me with any questions or just to chat xx

KDA0510 profile image

Hi Laura - I am heartbroken to read this. Although we have not experienced multiple MC, we did unfortunately have a MMC for our natural BFP at 7wks. It's difficult having hope snatched away so quickly, especially after battling through infertility. I am so sorry you're going through this again.

I haven't heard about negative effect on conceiving after D&C, unless you are referring to Asherman's Syndrome (scarring in the uterus) which can be a risk of surgical management? The hospital I had my ERPC said it was very low risk; so I wouldn't worry but it might be worth mentioning/asking if the IVF clinic can check if it's possible you have this.

Sending you the biggest hug x

FrancyItaly profile image

I am so sorry to read this post. It’s so heartbreaking 💔

You’ve been through a lot, it’s so unfair!

I had a miscarriage too and I decided to have it naturally. I was too scared to take risks with the D&C.

I think trust your clinic’s advice on this, in the end they are experts and can guide you. I am just about to start my journey with the ivf clinic. If you want to talk you can PM me.

I am really sorry to read this. I was trully excited for your pregnancy. Are you able to let it happen naturally? I also went through a MMC this time last year. Will you do PGS testing if you do IVF? I would also get the baby tested to see what abnormalities they may have had. St Marys hospital is great place for reccurrent miscarriages. I wish you well.

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