Any advice for D&C with hysteroscopy? - Fertility Network UK

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Any advice for D&C with hysteroscopy?

MumofaSpaniel profile image
15 Replies

I am going for my dilation and hysteroscopy on Thursday. Happy it’s here but any advise for before or after the procedure? How did you feel after, in general and down below? Never had a general anaesthetic. Also will I be told if they find anything before I leave or will I have to wait for results?

Thanks x

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15 Replies

I have had several. I didn't have any great pain just a little bit achy and some spotting for a few days... but once I didn't bleed at all.

General anaesthetics normally wipe me out for a couple of days, I normally feel fine the day of the op but the next few days like I am walking in quick sand, drink loads of water and rest, don't push yourself. You basically need to flush the anaesthetic out of your system. But you won't be under for long so they will probably just use a light dose.

I have had so many GA's these past couple of years I actually quite look forward to them (weirdo!) I love the feeling of falling asleep and the fact I get a couple of decent nights sleep the next few days afterwards!

In my experience I have had very high level feedback the day of the op, but then had to make a follow up appointment to discuss in more detail. It does depend upon which consultant though - how empathetic they are, how engaged they are with your care, how many other ops they have to do, if they have to run off to do a clinic etc.

Masses of luck x

MumofaSpaniel profile image
MumofaSpaniel in reply to

Thank you Daisy, I’m hoping I will get some feedback but it depends if i am in a good state to take it in. X

in reply to MumofaSpaniel

Why are they doing it (if you dont mind me asking?)

One of mine they took a load of photos and showed me straight after x

MumofaSpaniel profile image
MumofaSpaniel in reply to

I don’t mind at all.

My fresh transfer failed because they couldn’t get the cannula through my cervix.

I had pre cancerous cells ‘lasered’ From my cervix when I was 20 so possible side affects from that need investigation. They did do a test run and it was fine but things changed in between. X

CLDxxx profile image

I had one yesterday. I was very anxious but it was fine. I had some fluid on my cavity in Dec & my transfer was cancelled so mine was to remove that. I was told after there was something else there, possibly a polp but she said all looking ok now and I’ll have a follow up in 2 weeks.

I had some period pain after but I’m due my period today anyway so it’s hard to know which is which! They gave me morphine so the pain soon went away! I stayed home today and rested but feel ok really, just tired.

Wishing you lots of luck for Thursday. It’s over in no time xx

MumofaSpaniel profile image
MumofaSpaniel in reply to CLDxxx

Thank you for your info.

I have to travel and I want to get home on Thursday night but in my pre-assessment they asked if I would be 90 minutes from the hospital but I would be 3 hours so need to wait in Glasgow for 24 hours. I hope I bounce out of it and I can go home 🤞🏻

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to MumofaSpaniel

Ahh I see. What time are you booked in for? I went down about 1020am. I was in recovery for a bit and then went to my room, they wanted me to eat, drink and have a wee plus they gave me fluids intravenously and I was ok to go about 230pm. xxx

MumofaSpaniel profile image
MumofaSpaniel in reply to CLDxxx

I’ve to be there at 8am and just wait and see. Hopefully get timings like you! X

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to MumofaSpaniel

Ah it was 830 for me but got there at 8 so hopefully it works out the same! Xx

MumofaSpaniel profile image

Hi girls, thanks for your advise. I had my procedure yesterday and am feeling fine, sore head when I came round but I’m normally onto 2 litres of water by lunch time. XxX

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to MumofaSpaniel

Hey lovely,

Glad it all went well and youre feeling ok. Did your timings work out? Make sure you rest up xxx

MumofaSpaniel profile image
MumofaSpaniel in reply to CLDxxx

Yea they weren’t too bad. The rod I use to travel home got closed because of a landslide so forced me to wait up. I was in at 8 then taken about half 11 woke up about 1 and back through to the day ward and out just after 2 so happy with that xx

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to MumofaSpaniel

Ah that’s good then. Yes definitely keep the water up as Daisy says - my head has been pounding the last couple of days! Xxx

MumofaSpaniel profile image
MumofaSpaniel in reply to CLDxxx

Yip I’m going to really go for it with the water x

in reply to MumofaSpaniel

Hope you got some answers, take it steady for a few days and keep the water up! x

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